Setting the Miscellaneous User Options

I mentioned earlier that users are able to define which page they would like to see upon entering Microsoft CRM. This setting and others are available through the Options… selection under the Tools menu, as shown in Figure 6.8.

Figure 6.8. The Miscellaneous tab of the User options dialog box.

In addition to being able to set the start page, the Miscellaneous tab of the Options screen enables the user to select how many records they want to see per page as well as their time zone.


The time zone the user selects here is important in ensuring that they are correctly reminded of their appointments. For example, suppose a user is working in Atlanta with the time zone set to Eastern Standard Time and he creates a meeting for noon the following day. If on the following day the user is on the West Coast and has not reset his time zone to Pacific, he might look at his calendar and mistakenly think that the appointment is at noon Pacific. Had he reset his time zone to Pacific, Microsoft CRM would have shown the appointment as starting at 9 a.m. Pacific on the calendar. It is important to note that this time zone setting is completely independent of the time zone on the client computer through which the user is accessing Microsoft CRM.

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