The Microsoft CRM Sales for Outlook Interface

Figure 8.3 shows the CRMSO interface. Perhaps the first thing you notice is that the CRM screens look identical to their Web-version counterparts.

Figure 8.3. The Microsoft CRM Sales for Outlook (CRMSO) interface.

Installing Microsoft CRM Sales for Outlook has added two main components to Microsoft Outlook. First, the installation added a new toolbar under the traditional Outlook toolbar. Second, the installation added a new shortcut bar with icons that give access to the CRM folders. Figure 8.4 presents the same screen as Figure 8.3 except that the folder list has been displayed using the view menu. Notice that each of the CRM areas has been modeled as a separate Outlook folder in the folder list.

Figure 8.4. The Microsoft CRM Sales for Outlook (CRMSO) interface with the folder list displayed.

We mentioned before that CRMSO uses the MSDE database, so all the synchronized CRM data is housed in this MSDE database. This is good news because it means that your offline database is capable of handling a large amount of data.


If you are seeing generic folder icons instead of the snazzy Microsoft CRM folder icons in this chapter's screen shots, it is because you have installed Microsoft CRM Sales for Outlook with Outlook 2000 instead of Outlook 2002. Outlook 2002, which ships with Office XP, enables the presentation of the descriptive icons. Both Outlook 2000 and Outlook 2002 are supported versions for CRMSO.

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