294 Design of CMOS Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Integrated Circuits
Table 13.1: Comparison with Previous Works
[158] [282] [29] Proposed
Technology 65nm LP 65nm 40nm 40nm
Freq uency range
116 260 135 280
Data Rate(Gbps) 10 10 10 > 20
Modu lation BPSK
No No No Yes
DC Power (mW ) 200 688 98 <300
Transmitter Out-
put power (dBm)
-5 5 (EIPR) -9.7-8.1 > -9
System integra-
Only Trans-
Only Trans-
with em-
with embed-
ded antenna
and OSC
LO generation. Bes ide s, the antenna is not integrated with the transmitter.
Thus this approach c onstrains the degree of integration. For work in [29], a
more advanced 40nm CMOS process is utilized. However, the signal gener ator
approach is not efficient for high-power THz signal generation. Besides, the
antenna is not integrated with the transceiver and thus has a limitation de-
gree of integration. For work in [2 82], a transceiver with on-chip approach is
proposed. However, this approach does not contain a beam-forming operation
thus limiting the r ange of communication.
The highlight of our approach, compared to the previous works, is in the
following aspects. The proposed new circuit design technique is based on a
metamaterial device. Metamaterial-based zer o-phase-shift T-line and coupler
will be invented for a high-power THz signal generator and on-chip leaky
wave antenna array design, which can be deployed for compact MIMO design.
Furthermore, the dual-mode massive T Hz MIMO is proposed to enhanc e the
range and capacity of near-field THz big data rate transmission with the
beam-forming control.
13.3 Conclusion
A concept of massive THz MIMO for ultra-high-speed and high-capa city wire-
less communication is introduced in this chapter. In order to fulfill the demand
of the next-generation hig h-volume wireless data transmiss ion application,
communication system working at the THz range with high spectrum resource
CMOS THz Wireless Communication 295
can be proposed. To address the issues of high path loss and attenuation due
to rain, foliage and atmospheric absorption in THz region, a phased array
MIMO architecture is proposed for THz wireless co mmunication. Ex emplary
link budget at the THz range is calculated to evaluate the possibility o f ultra-
high-speed wireless communication in the short-range scale. Meanwhile, both
space multiplexing for LOS and space diversity for NLOS scenarios are pro-
posed for mode operation of THz massive MIMO. Finally, an RF architecture
for THz massive MIMO wireless communication based on CMOS technology
is proposed.
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