Learning about post go-live support

In the previous sections, we learned about going live, cutover activities, and how best to manage those activities.

In this section, we will cover post go-live activities spanning support, issue identification, tracking, resolutions, and the whole 360-degree issue life cycle.

Support in the cloud world is expected to be quick and one-touch-enabled, and have as small an impact on daily business operations as possible. However, you need to be able to know about and leverage various tools in order to seek support.

To provide context from Dynamics 365, you may have successfully gone live, but it takes a significant effort to ensure smooth operations post go-live.

In this section, you'll explore various options for seeking support, tools that are used in support, an end to the support life cycle, and best practices in support. We will go over the following:

  • Resources for support
  • Support tools and LCS
  • Issue or support life cycle
  • Production environment support with Microsoft
  • Support analytics using monitoring and diagnostics
  • Best practices in post go-live or support
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