Azure DevOps Test Manager

Azure Test Manager is one of the initial prerequisites that we need to get us started on the RSAT tool, which can be done by enabling test features in your in Azure DevOps/VSTS project.

You can start with a free trial, or buy a paid one for the Test Manager. The Test Manager tool is free, but you do need Azure DevOps Test Manager subscription licenses – one per user – to be able to use it.

One of the ways that we are looking at in this chapter is to get a trial license for 30 days to start testing from the DevOps marketplace. For this, you need to sign in to your DevOps account.

Follow this link to find and get the Test Manager:

As shown in the visual here, select the Test Manager tool in order to install it:

Once the tool has been added to your subscription, configure it using the following instructions:

  1. Select your organization to install this extension.
  2. After your extension finishes installing, go to your organization to use your extension.

Verify that the following test options are seen, which means that your DevOps project now has test features enabled:

Next, we need to create a test suite in Azure DevOps and add your test cases from the LCS BPM library.

Create a test plan and test suite in Azure DevOps by following these steps:

  1. On the toolbar, select Test | Test Plans.
  2. In the left pane, select +, and then select the Static suite.
  1. Enter a name for the suite and click on Add existing:

  1. Click Add existing and query the LCS:TestCases tag:

  1. Select the test case in order to view the details and the attached XML file.

Here are the test case details from DevOps with steps:

Once your DevOps test plan and test suite with test cases are ready, it is now time to download, install, and configure RSAT.

Provide your DevOps URL, access token, test plan, hostname (D365FO URL), hostname SOAP URL and admin user (O365), and test the connection.

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