
In this chapter, we started by understanding the architecture and new development concepts. Microsoft is adding more and more features in the IDE to help developers write better and efficient code. X++ has become managed language and fully compiled into CIL, just like C#. Extensions are how you should do any customization. Development is now done in pre-configured VMs, where you can deploy a development environment in the cloud or download a VHD and do development on-premises. Azure DevOps is used for source control and automated builds.

We learned about the development process in operations, starting with conceptualizing the solution, understanding the importance of effective data design, implementing business logic, user interface development, analytics, and reporting. Then, we learned about the common best practices and recommendations for coding in X++. Finally, we learned how to build automation that can be used in the development life cycle, along with the common guidelines and best practices.

In the next chapter, we will learn about analytics, business intelligence, and reporting. We will cover various tools that can be used for analytics and reporting.

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