Best practices in analytics and information insights

Based on our experience, we would like to share the following best practices in this area:

  • Analytics is a journey and not a destination. You have to keep on optimizing and evolving the existing methods of seeking, consuming, and acting upon data.
  • It's going to be rare to find just one solution to all your information needs. Therefore, you must choose from the best-of-breed choices.
  • Leverage financial reporting or management reporting for all kinds of financial insights for an enterprise.
  • Leverage Excel for all one-time and quick end user-based reporting.
  • Leverage Power BI for all interactive visualizations and dashboards.
  • Leverage SSRS for printing all your documents and for day-to-day operational needs.
  • Leverage Azure Machine Learning for all information actions and predictions using algorithms.

The world of analytics is fascinating, with a number of choices and reasons that may confuse you. Hence, due diligence in selecting the right platform, tool, and fitment is crucial when it comes to informed decision making.

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