Windows configuration

Now, we will cover the execution of such test cases from within RSAT.

We need to leverage the user manual for RSAT in order to complete RSAT installation and configuration, which includes installing a certificate, getting a thumbprint, installing Selenium for your type of browser, and many others:

  1. Download latest RSAT from At the time of writing, the latest version is 1.200.42264.6.

RSAT has to execute as a local admin on the client machine (by design) where RSAT is installed, typically on the AOS box if multi-tiered, and in a single tier on the common box.

It is a requirement of the security model that is used for authentication.

  1. Get the Windows 10 SDK from Install the following components:
    • Windows SDK Signing Tools for Desktop Apps.
    • Windows SDK for UWP Managed Apps.

The following visual shows two features that you need to select to be able to install the necessary tools from the Windows 10 SDK:

It is important to have a certificate generated on the same computer that the test tool is running on.
  1. Generate a certificate file, open a command-line window as the administrator, and run the following command from the command window. When you are prompted to enter a private key password, enter None. Create a C:Temp folder if it does not already exist on your computer:
C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits10in10.0.18362.0x64makecert.exe -n "CN=" -ss My -sr LocalMachine -a sha256 -len 2048 -cy end -r -eku c:	empauthCert.cer

The following screenshot shows the prompt to import the certificate:

After the certificate has been successfully installed, in the Details tab, copy the thumbprint and take out the special characters.

  1. Add Thumbprint to your WIF configuration file with only one command (using the open source tool or manually).

As shown in the following visual, the Thumbprint information is in the authCert file:

  1. Next, we will make changes to the AOS configuration settings. Ensure that the wif.config in the AOS service in the Internet Information Server (IIS) looks like this: 

After making changes to the AOS WIF file, restart IIS to be able to see the updates in action.

The Thumbprint is an important one, and if needed, type it in manually without special characters.

Be careful when removing special characters including spaces and then copying the thumbprint.
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