Querying or browsing an OData endpoint

If you want to know what OData endpoints are available in your Finance and Operations environment, or want to query a specific entity to get the data, you can simply browse using a web browser. OData provides a simple query format that we can use to browse the resources using a web browser. The following table describes a few basic query formats for accessing OData resources and entity data:

URL Description
[Your Organization Root URL]/data/ Get a list of data entities
[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers Get a list of all the customers
[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers?$top=3 Get a list of the first three customer records
[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers?$select=FirstName,LastName Get a list of all the customers, but show only the first name and last name properties
[Your Organization Root URL]/data/Customers?$format=json

Get a list of all the customers in JSON format that can be used to interact with JavaScript clients


The OData protocol supports many advanced filtering and querying options on entities, such as $filter, $count, $orderby, $skip, $top$expand, and $select. Many built-in operators are available to $filter data, such as equals, not equals, greater than or equal to, less than, less than or equal to, and, or, not, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

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