
Book Description

Concepts and skills for the successful manager

Modern Management: Concepts and Skills takes a unique approach that helps students develop a specific management skill in each chapter. Organized around the functions of planning, organizing, influencing, and controlling, the content specifically focuses on how students can be more strategic and more creative, work as team members, become successful leaders, and more. The chapters are designed to build these skills, and others, to fulfill the core objective: To help students both obtain employment and flourish in the workplace. The 15th Edition contains new case studies and examples to reflect the most recent research and developments in this field, as well as updated information.

Table of Contents

  1. Full-Circle Learning MyLab™: Learning Full Circle for Marketing, Management, Business Communication, Intro to Business, and MIS
  2. Modern Management concepts and skills
  3. Modern Management concepts and skills
  4. Brief Contents
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
    1. Text: Theory Overview
    2. MyManagementLab Suggested Activities
    3. New to This Edition
    4. Chapter-by-Chapter Changes
    5. Modern Management 14th Edition: The Skills
    6. Modern Management: Student Learning
    7. Instructor Resources
    8. Video Library
    9. CourseSmart
  7. About the Authors
  8. Part 1 Introduction to Modern Management
    1. 1 Introducing Modern Management Concepts and Skills
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Modern Management Challenge
      2. A Manager’s Task
        1. The Role of Management
        2. Defining Management
        3. The Management Process: Management Functions
          1. Planning
          2. Organizing
          3. Influencing
          4. Controlling
      3. Management Process and Organizational Resources
        1. Management and Organizational Resources
          1. Managerial Effectiveness
          2. Managerial Efficiency
        2. The Universality of Management
          1. The Theory of Characteristics
      4. Management Skill: The Key to Management Success
        1. Defining Management Skill
        2. Management Skill: A Classic View
          1. Management Skill: A Contemporary View
          2. Management Skill: A Focus of This Book
      5. Management Careers
        1. A Definition of Career
        2. Career Stages, Life Stages, and Performance
          1. Exploration Stage
          2. Establishment Stage
          3. Maintenance Stage
          4. Decline Stage
        3. Promoting Your Own Career
        4. Special Career Issues
          1. Women Managers
          2. Dual-Career Couples
          3. How Dual-Career Couples Cope
      6. Challenge Case Summary
      7. Developing Management Skill 
      8. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      9. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Assessing Inefficiency at Ryan Homes
          2. You and Your Career
          3. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
            1. Planning Issues to Inspect
            2. Example: The Type of Scheduling System Used
            3. Organizing Issues to Inspect
            4. Influencing Issues to Inspect
            5. Controlling Issues to Inspect
      10. Endnotes
  9. Part 2 Modern Management Challenges
    1. 2 Managers, Society, and SustainabilityManagers, Society, and Sustainability
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Social Responsibility Challenge
      2. Fundamentals of Social Responsibility
        1. Areas of Social Responsibility
        2. Varying Opinions on Social Responsibility
          1. Arguments for Business Performing Social Responsibility Activities
          2. Arguments against Business Performing Social Responsibility Activities
        3. Conclusions about the Performance of Social Responsibility Activities by Business
          1. Performing Required Social Responsibility Activities
          2. Voluntarily Performing Social Responsibility Activities
          3. Communicating the Degree of Social Responsibility Involvement
      3. Social Responsiveness
        1. Determining Whether a Social Responsibility Exists
        2. Social Responsiveness and Decision Making
        3. Approaches to Meeting Social Responsibilities
      4. The Social Audit Challenge
      5. The Philanthropy Challenge
      6. The Sustainable Organization Challenge
        1. Defining Sustainability
        2. Defining a Sustainable Organization
        3. Why Sustainability?
          1. Increased Profit
          2. Increased Productivity
          3. Increased Innovation
        4. Steps for Achieving Sustainability
      7. Managers and Ethics
        1. A Definition of Ethics
        2. Why Ethics Is a Vital Part of Management Practices
          1. Productivity
          2. Stakeholder Relations
          3. Government Regulation
        3. A Code of Ethics
        4. Creating an Ethical Workplace
        5. Following the Law: Sarbanes–Oxley Reform Standards
      8. Challenge Case Summary
      9. Developing Management Skill 
      10. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      11. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. The Environmental Impact Team
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
            1. Planning Issues to Inspect
          3. Category
            1. Social Responsibilities Related to the Product Itself
            2. Bugaboo’s Responsibilities to Society
            3. Social Responsibilities Related to Marketing Practices
            4. Social Responsibilities Related to Corporate Philanthropy
            5. Social Responsibilities Related to Employees
      12. Endnotes
    2. 3 Management and Diversity
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Diversity Challenge
      2. Defining Diversity
        1. The Social Implications of Diversity
          1. Majority and Minority Groups
      3. Advantages of Diversity in Organizations
        1. Gaining and Keeping Market Share
        2. Cost Savings
        3. Increased Productivity and Innovation
        4. Better Quality Management
      4. Challenges that Managers Face in Working with Diverse Populations
        1. Changing Demographics
        2. Multi-Generation Workforce
        3. Ethnocentrism and Other Negative Dynamics
          1. Ethnocentrism
          2. Discrimination
          3. Tokenism and Other Challenges
        4. Negative Dynamics and Specific Groups
          1. Women
          2. Gender Roles
          3. The Glass Ceiling and Sexual Harassment
          4. Minorities
          5. Older Workers
          6. Stereotypes and Prejudices
          7. Workers with Disabilities
      5. Strategies for Promoting Diversity in Organizations
        1. Promoting Diversity through Hudson Institute Strategies
        2. Promoting Diversity through Equal Employment and Affirmative Action
        3. Promoting Diversity through Organizational Commitment
          1. Ignoring Differences
          2. Complying with External Policies
          3. Enforcing External Policies
          4. Responding Inadequately
          5. Implementing Adequate Programs
          6. Taking Effective Action
        4. Promoting Diversity through Pluralism
          1. “Golden Rule” Approach
          2. Assimilation Approach
          3. “Righting-the-Wrongs” Approach
          4. Culture-Specific Approach
          5. Multicultural Approach
      6. How Managers Promote Diversity
        1. Planning
        2. Organizing
        3. Influencing
        4. Controlling
        5. Management Development and Diversity Training
          1. Basic Themes of Diversity Training
          2. Stages in Managing a Diverse Workforce
          3. Understanding and Influencing Employee Responses
          4. Getting Top-Down Support
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Developing a Diversity Profile
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
            1. Questions
      11. Endnotes
    3. 4 Managing in the Global Arena
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Global Management Challenge
      2. Fundamentals of International Management
      3. Categorizing Organizations by Level of International Involvement
        1. Domestic Organizations
        2. International Organizations
        3. Multinational Organizations: The Multinational Corporation
      4. Multinational Corporations
        1. Complexities of Managing the Multinational Corporation
        2. Risk and the Multinational Corporation
      5. The Workforce of Multinational Corporations
      6. Management Functions and Multinational Corporations
        1. Planning in Multinational Corporations
          1. Imports/Exports
          2. License Agreements
          3. Direct Investing
          4. Joint Ventures
          5. Planning and International Market Agreements
          6. The European Union (EU)
          7. North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)
          8. Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
        2. Organizing Multinational Corporations
          1. Organization Structure
          2. Selection of Managers
          3. Managerial Attitudes Toward Foreign Operations
          4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Management Attitude
        3. Influencing People in Multinational Corporations
          1. Culture
          2. Hofstede’s Ideas for Describing Culture
        4. Controlling Multinational Corporations
          1. Special Difficulties
          2. Improving Communication
      7. Transnational Organizations
      8. International Management: Special Issues
        1. Maintaining Ethics in International Management
          1. Respecting Core Human Rights
          2. Respecting Local Traditions
          3. Determining Right from Wrong by Examining Context
        2. Preparing Expatriates for Foreign Assignments
      9. Challenge Case Summary
      10. Developing Management Skill
      11. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      12. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Building a Global Management Curriculum
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      13. Endnotes
  10. Part 3 Planning
    1. 5 Plans and Planning Tools
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Planning Challenge
      2. General Characteristics of Planning
        1. Defining Planning
        2. Purposes of Planning
        3. Planning: Advantages and Potential Disadvantages
        4. Primacy of Planning
      3. Types of Plans
      4. Steps in the Planning Process
      5. Organizational Objectives: Planning’s Foundation
        1. Definition of Organizational Objectives
        2. Areas for Organizational Objectives
        3. Working with Organizational Objectives
        4. Guidelines for Establishing Quality Objectives
      6. Management by Objectives (MBO)
        1. Factors Necessary for a Successful MBO Program
        2. MBO Programs: Advantages and Disadvantages
      7. Planning Tools
        1. Forecasting
          1. How Forecasting Works
          2. Types of Forecasts
          3. Methods of Sales Forecasting
            1. Qualitative Methods
              1. jury of executive opinion method
              2. salesforce estimation method
            2. Quantitative Methods
              1. moving average
              2. regression
              3. product stages
          4. Evaluating Sales Forecasting Methods
        2. Scheduling
          1. Gantt Charts
            1. Features
          2. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
            1. Defining Pert
            2. Features
            3. Critical Path
            4. Steps in Designing a Pert Network
        3. Why Plans Fail
      8. Challenge Case Summary
      9. Developing Management Skill 
      10. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      11. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Developing Objectives for the Don Cesar
          2. You and Your Career
            1. Planning Skill and Your Career
          3. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      12. Endnotes
    2. 6 Making Decisions
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Decision-Making Challenge
      2. Fundamentals of Decisions
        1. Definition of a Decision
        2. Types of Decisions
        3. The Responsibility for Making Organizational Decisions
        4. Elements of the Decision Situation
          1. The Decision Makers
          2. Goals to Be Served
          3. Relevant Alternatives
          4. Ordering of Alternatives
          5. Choice of Alternatives
      3. The Rational Decision-Making Process
        1. Identifying an Existing Problem
        2. Listing Alternative Solutions
        3. Selecting the Most Beneficial Alternative
        4. Implementing the Chosen Alternative
        5. Gathering Problem-Related Feedback
        6. Bounded Rationality
      4. Decision Making and Intuition
        1. Decision-Making Heuristics and Biases
        2. Decision-Making Conditions: Risk and Uncertainty
      5. Decision-Making Tools
        1. Probability Theory
        2. Decision Trees
      6. Group Decision Making
        1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Groups to Make Decisions
        2. Processes for Making Group Decisions
          1. Brainstorming
          2. Nominal Group Technique
          3. Delphi Technique
        3. Evaluating Group Decision-Making Processes
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Decision Making as a Group
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
    3. 7 Strategic Planning Strategies, Tactics, and Competitive Dynamics
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Strategic Planning Challenge
      2. Strategic Planning and Strategy
      3. Strategic Management Process
      4. Environmental Analysis
      5. Establishing Organizational Direction
      6. Strategy Formulation: Tools
        1. Critical Question Analysis
        2. SWOT Analysis
        3. Business Portfolio Analysis
          1. The Bcg Growth-Share Matrix
          2. The Ge Multifactor Portfolio Matrix
        4. Strategy Formulation: Types
          1. Differentiation
          2. Cost Leadership
          3. Focus
        5. Sample Organizational Strategies
          1. Growth
          2. Stability
          3. Retrenchment
          4. Divestiture
      7. Strategy Implementation
      8. Strategic Control
      9. Tactical Planning
        1. Comparing and Coordinating Strategic and Tactical Planning
      10. Competitive Dynamics
      11. Challenge Case Summary
      12. Developing Management Skill
      13. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      14. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Applying Porter’s Model to Dell Inc.
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      15. Endnotes
  11. Part 4 Organizing
    1. 8 Fundamentals of Organizing
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Organizing Challenge
      2. Definitions of Organizing and Organizing Skill
        1. The Importance of Organizing
        2. The Organizing Process
        3. Classical Organizing Theory
      3. Weber’s Bureaucratic Model
      4. Division of Labor
        1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Division of Labor
        2. Division of Labor and Coordination
        3. Follett’s Guidelines on Coordination
      5. Structure
        1. Informal Organizational Structures
        2. Vertical Dimensioning
          1. Span of Management
          2. Designing Span of Management: A Contingency Viewpoint  A Contingency Viewpoint 
          3. Graicunas and Span of Management
          4. Height of Organization Chart
        3. Horizontal Dimensioning
      6. Types of Departmentalization
        1. Departments Based on Function
        2. Departments Based on Product or Service
        3. Departments Based on Geography
        4. Departments Based on Customer
        5. Departments by Matrix
          1. Forces Influencing Formal Structure
          2. Fayol’s Advice on Using Formal Structure
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Frogs of the World
          2. You and Your Career
          3. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
    2. 9 Responsibility, Authority, and Delegation
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Responsibility and Delegation Challenge
      2. Responsibility and Job Descriptions
      3. Dividing Job Activities
        1. The Functional Similarity Method
        2. Functional Similarity and Responsibility
      4. Clarifying Job Activities of Managers
      5. Authority
        1. Authority on the Job
        2. Acceptance of Authority
        3. Types of Authority
          1. Line and Staff Authority
          2. Line–Staff Relationships
          3. Roles of Staff Personnel
          4. Conflict in Line–Staff Relationships
          5. Functional Authority
        4. Accountability
      6. Delegation
        1. Steps in the Delegation Process
        2. Obstacles to the Delegation Process
        3. Eliminating Obstacles to the Delegation Process
      7. Centralization and Decentralization
        1. Decentralizing an Organization: A Contingency Viewpoint
        2. Decentralization at Massey-Ferguson: A Classic Example from the World of Management
          1. Guidelines for Decentralization
          2. Delegation as a Frame Of Mind
          3. Complementing Centralization
          4. Management Responsibilities
      8. Challenge Case Summary
      9. Developing Management Skill
      10. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      11. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Debating Centralization at Pottery Barn
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      12. Endnotes
    3. 10 Human Resource Management
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Human Resource Management Challenge
      2. Defining Appropriate Human Resources
      3. Recruitment
        1. Knowing the Job
        2. Knowing Sources of Human Resources
          1. Sources Inside the Organization
            1. human resource inventory
        3. Sources Outside the Organization
        4. Knowing the Law
          1. Affirmative Action
      4. Selection
        1. Testing
          1. Testing Guidelines
        2. Assessment Centers
      5. Training
        1. Determining Training Needs
          1. Determining Needed Skills
        2. Designing the Training Program
        3. Administering the Training Program
          1. Techniques for Transmitting Information
          2. Techniques for Developing Skills
        4. Evaluating the Training Program
      6. Performance Appraisal
        1. Why Use Performance Appraisals?
        2. Handling Performance Appraisals
        3. Potential Weaknesses of Performance Appraisals
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Determining Training Needs at Wal-Mart
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
    4. 11 Changing Organizations Stress, Conflict, and Virtuality
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Organizational Change Challenge
      2. Fundamentals of Changing an Organization
        1. Defining Changing an Organization
          1. The Importance of Change
        2. Change Versus Stability
      3. Factors to Consider When Changing An Organization
        1. The Change Agent
        2. Determining What Should Be Changed
        3. The Kind of Change to Make
          1. Structural Change
          2. Describing Structural Change
          3. People Change
          4. Describing People Change: Organization Development (OD)
          5. Grid OD
            1. The Ideal Style
            2. Main Training Phases
          6. The Status of Organization Development
        4. Individuals Affected by the Change
          1. Resistance to Change
          2. Reducing Resistance to Change
        5. Evaluation of the Change
      4. Change and Stress
        1. Defining Stress
        2. The Importance of Studying Stress
        3. Managing Stress in Organizations
          1. Understanding How Stress Influences Worker Performance
          2. Identifying Unhealthy Stress in Organizations
          3. Helping Employees Handle Stress
      5. Change and Conflict45
        1. Defining Conflict
        2. Strategies for Settling Conflict
          1. Compromising
          2. Avoiding
          3. Forcing
          4. Resolving
      6. Virtuality
        1. Defining a Virtual Organization
        2. Degrees of Virtuality
        3. The Virtual Office
          1. Defining a Virtual Office
            1. Occasional Telecommuting
            2. Hoteling
            3. Tethered in Office
            4. Home-Based, Some Mobility
            5. Fully Mobile
          2. Reasons for Establishing a Virtual Office
          3. Challenges of Managing a Virtual Office
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Managing Florida’s Quarterback56
            1. Questions
            2. Role Play
          2. You and Your Career
            1. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
  12. Part 5 Influencing
    1. 12 Influencing and Communication
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Communication Challenge
      2. Fundamentals of Influencing
        1. Defining Influencing
        2. The Influencing Subsystem
      3. Emotional Intelligence
      4. Communication
        1. Interpersonal Communication
          1. How Interpersonal Communication Works
          2. Successful and Unsuccessful Interpersonal Communication
          3. Barriers to Successful Interpersonal Communication
            1. Macrobarriers
            2. Microbarriers
          4. Feedback and Interpersonal Communication
          5. Gathering and Using Feedback
          6. Achieving Communication Effectiveness
          7. Verbal and Nonverbal Interpersonal Communication
          8. The Importance of Nonverbal Communication
      5. Interpersonal Communication in Organizations
        1. Formal Organizational Communication
          1. Types of Formal Organizational Communication
          2. Patterns of Formal Organizational Communication
        2. Informal Organizational Communication
          1. Patterns of Informal Organizational Communication
            1. Dealing with Grapevines
      6. Encouraging Organizational Communication
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Developing Nonverbal Communication Skills
            1. Procedure
            2. You and Your Career56
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
    2. 13 Leadership
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Leadership Challenge
      2. Defining Leadership
        1. Leader Versus Manager
      3. Early Approaches to Leadership
        1. The Trait Approach to Leadership
        2. Behavioral Approaches to Leadership
          1. The OSU Studies
          2. The Michigan Studies
          3. Effectiveness of Various Leadership Styles
          4. Comparing Styles
      4. More Recent Approaches to Leadership
        1. The Life Cycle Theory of Leadership
          1. Applying Life Cycle Theory
        2. Fiedler’s Contingency Theory
          1. Changing the Organization to Fit the Leader
        3. The Path–Goal Theory of Leadership
          1. Leadership Behavior
          2. Adapting Behavior to Situations
      5. A Special Situation: How Leaders Make Decisions
        1. The Tannenbaum and Schmidt Leadership Continuum
          1. Determining How to Make Decisions as a Leader
          2. Determining How to Make Decisions as a Leader: An Update
        2. The Vroom–Yetton–Jago Model
          1. Decision Styles
          2. Using the Model
      6. Leaders Changing Organizations
        1. The Tasks of Transformational Leaders
      7. Leaders Coaching Others
        1. Coaching Behavior
      8. Leadership: Emerging Concepts for Modern Times
        1. Servant Leadership
        2. Level 5 Leadership
        3. Authentic Leadership
      9. Challenge Case Summary
      10. Developing Management Skill
      11. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      12. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Making a Decision at Wendy’s73
          2. Learning Activity
          3. You and Your Career74
          4. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
          5. Activity 1
          6. Activity 2
          7. Activity 3
          8. Activity 4
      13. Endnotes
    3. 14 Motivation
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Motivation Challenge
      2. Defining Motivation
      3. Process Theories of Motivation
        1. The Needs-Goal Theory of Motivation
          1. The Role of Individual Needs
        2. The Vroom Expectancy Theory of Motivation
          1. Motivation and Perceptions
        3. Equity Theory of Motivation
        4. The Porter–Lawler Theory of Motivation
      4. Content Theories of Motivation: Human Needs
        1. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
        2. Alderfer’s ERG Theory
        3. Argyris’s Maturity-Immaturity Continuum
        4. McClelland’s Acquired Needs Theory
          1. Need for Achievement
          2. Need for Power
          3. Need for Affiliation
      5. Importance Of Motivating Organization Members
      6. Strategies for Motivating Organization Members
        1. Managerial Communication
        2. Theory X–Theory Y
          1. Job Design
            1. Earlier Job Design Strategies
            2. Job Rotation
            3. Job Enlargement
            4. Job Enrichment
          2. Job Enrichment and Productivity
            1. Flextime
          3. Advantages of Flextime
        3. Behavior Modification
          1. Reinforcement
          2. Punishment
          3. Applying Behavior Modification
        4. Likert’s Management Systems
          1. Styles, Systems, and Productivity
        5. Monetary Incentives
        6. Nonmonetary Incentives
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management SkillS Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Analyzing Study Results
            1. Activity
            2. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
            1. Activities
      11. Endnotes
    4. 15 Groups and Teams
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Team Challenge
      2. Groups
      3. Kinds of Groups in Organizations
        1. Formal Groups
          1. Kinds of Formal Groups
          2. Examples of Formal Groups
          3. Committees
            1. Why Managers Should Use Committees
            2. What Makes Committees Successful
              1. procedural steps
              2. people-oriented guidelines
              3. groupthink
          4. Work Teams
            1. Special-Purpose and Self-Managed Teams
          5. Stages of Formal Group Development
          6. The Acceptance Stage
          7. The Communication and Decision-Making Stage
          8. The Group Solidarity Stage
          9. The Group Control Stage
        2. Informal Groups
          1. Kinds of Informal Groups
          2. Benefits of Informal Group Membership
      4. Managing Work Groups
        1. Determining Group Existence
          1. Sociometric Analysis
          2. Applying the Sociogram Model
        2. Understanding the Evolution of Informal Groups
          1. The Homans Model
          2. Applying the Homans Model
      5. Teams
        1. Groups Versus Teams
        2. Types of Teams in Organizations
          1. Problem-Solving Teams
          2. Self-Managed Teams
          3. Cross-Functional Teams
      6. Stages of Team Development
        1. Forming
        2. Storming
        3. Norming
        4. Performing
        5. Adjourning
        6. Team Effectiveness
        7. Trust and Effective Teams
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Planning Your Team Development Program
            1. You and Your Career57
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
            1. Learning Activity
      11. Endnotes
    5. 16 Managing Organization Culture
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Organization Culture Challenge
      2. Fundamentals of Organization Culture
        1. Defining Organization Culture
        2. The Importance of Organization Culture
      3. Functions of Organization Culture
      4. Types of Organization Culture
      5. Building A High-Performance Organization Culture
      6. Keeping Organization Culture Alive and Well
        1. Establishing a Vision of Organization Culture
          1. Quality Dimension
          2. Ethics Dimension
          3. Innovation Dimension
          4. Spirituality Dimension
          5. Diversity Dimension
          6. Customer Dimension
        2. Building and Maintaining Organization Culture Through Artifacts
          1. Values
          2. Organizational Myths
          3. Organizational Sagas
          4. Organizational Language
          5. Organizational Symbols
          6. Organizational Ceremonies
          7. Organizational Rewards
        3. Integrating New Employees into the Organization Culture
        4. Maintaining the Health of Organization Culture
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
      11. Experiential Exercises Exploring the Values of New Recruits
      12. You and Your Career
      13. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      14. Skills Activities
      15. Endnotes
  13. Part 6 Controlling
    1. 17 Controlling, Information, and Technology
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Controlling Challenge
      2. The Fundamentals of Controlling
        1. Defining Control
        2. The Controlling Subsystem
      3. The Controlling Process
        1. Measuring Performance
        2. Comparing Measured Performance to Standards
        3. Taking Corrective Action
      4. Power and Control
        1. A Definition of Power
        2. Total Power of a Manager
        3. Steps for Increasing Total Power
        4. Making Controlling Successful
          1. Specific Organizational Activities Being Focused On
          2. Different Kinds of Organizational Goals
          3. Timely Corrective Action
          4. Communication of the Mechanics of the Control Process
      5. Essentials of Information
        1. Factors Influencing the Value of Information
          1. Information Appropriateness
          2. Operational Control, Management Control, and Strategic Planning Decisions
          3. Information Quality
          4. Information Timeliness
          5. Information Quantity
        2. Evaluating Information
          1. Identifying and Evaluating Data
          2. Evaluating the Cost of Data
      6. The Information System (IS)
        1. Describing the IS
          1. Operating the IS
          2. Different Managers Need Different Kinds of Information
        2. Managing Information Systems
          1. Managing User Satisfaction50
          2. Managing the IS Workforce
          3. Managing IS Security
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Working with Information
            1. You and Your Career
          2. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
    2. 18 Production and Control
      1. Target Skill
        1. Objectives
        2. The Production Challenge
      2. Production and productivity
        1. Defining Production
        2. Productivity
      3. Quality and Productivity
        1. Focus on Continual Improvement
        2. Focus on Quality and Integrated Operations
          1. Quality Assurance
          2. Statistical Quality Control
          3. “No Rejects” Philosophy
          4. Quality Circles
        3. Automation
        4. Strategies, Systems, and Processes
      4. Operations Management
        1. Defining Operations Management
        2. Operations Management Considerations
          1. Capacity Strategy
          2. Five Steps in Capacity Decisions
          3. Location Strategy
          4. Factors in a Competitive Location
          5. Product Strategy
          6. Process Strategy
          7. Types of Processes
          8. Layout Strategy
          9. Human Resources Strategy
          10. Operational Tools in Human Resources Strategy
      5. Operations Control
        1. Just-in-Time Inventory Control
          1. Best Conditions for JIT
          2. Advantages of JIT
          3. Characteristics of JIT
        2. Maintenance Control
        3. Cost Control
          1. Stages in Cost Control
        4. Budgetary Control
          1. Potential Pitfalls of Budgets
          2. Human Relations Considerations in Using Budgets
          3. Reducing Human Relations Problems
        5. Ratio Analysis
          1. Using Ratios to Control Organizations
        6. Materials Control
          1. Procurement of Materials
          2. Receiving, Shipping, and Trafficking
          3. Inventory and Shop-Floor Control
      6. Operations Control Tools
        1. Using Control Tools to Control Organizations
        2. Inspection
          1. To Inspect or Not to Inspect
        3. Management by Exception
          1. Establishing Rules
        4. Management by Objectives
        5. Break-Even Analysis
          1. Basic Ingredients of Break-Even Analysis
          2. Types of Break-Even Analysis
          3. Algebraic Break-Even Analysis
          4. Graphic Break-Even Analysis
          5. Advantages of Using the Algebraic and Graphic Break-Even Methods
          6. Control and Break-Even Analysis
        6. Other Broad Operations Control Tools
          1. Decision Tree Analysis
          2. Process Control
          3. Value Analysis
          4. Computer-Aided Design
          5. Computer-Aided Manufacturing
      7. Challenge Case Summary
      8. Developing Management Skill
      9. Class Preparation and Personal Study
        1. Reflecting on Target Skill
        2. Know Key Terms
        3. Know How Management Concepts Relate
      10. Management Skills Exercises
        1. Experiential Exercises
          1. Defining Management by Exception
          2. You and Your Career
          3. Building Your Management Skills Portfolio
      11. Endnotes
  14. Appendix 1 Managing History and Current Thinking
    1. Target Skill
    2. The Classical Approach
    3. The Behavioral Approach
    4. The Management Science Approach
    5. The Contingency Approach
    6. The System Approach
    7. Learning Organization: A New Approach?
    8. Challenge Case Summary
    9. Developing Management Skill
    10. Class Preparation and Personal Study
    11. Management Skills Exercises
    12. Experiential Exercises
  15. Appendix 2 Management and Entrepreneurship: Handling Start-Ups and New Ventures
    1. Target Skill
    2. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
    3. Types of Opportunities
    4. Opportunity Identification
    5. Opportunity Evaluation
    6. Opportunity Exploitation
    7. Financing Exploitation
    8. Corporate Entrepreneurship
    9. Social Entrepreneurship
    10. Challenge Case Summary
    11. Developing Management Skill
    12. Class Preparation and Personal Study
    13. Management Skills Exercises
    14. Experiential Exercises
  16. Appendix 3 Encouraging Creativity and Innovation
    1. Target Skill
    2. Creativity
    3. Creativity in Individuals
    4. Increasing Creativity in Organizations
    5. Innovation and Creativity
    6. The Innovation Process
    7. Catalyst for Creativity and Innovation: Total Quality Management
    8. The Quality Improvement Process
    9. Challenge Case Summary
    10. Developing Management Skill
    11. Class Preparation and Personal Study
    12. Management Skills Exercises
    13. Experiential Exercises
  17. Glossary
  18. Author Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. K
    12. L
    13. M
    14. N
    15. O
    16. P
    17. Q
    18. R
    19. S
    20. T
    21. U
    22. V
    23. W
    24. X
    25. Y
    26. Z
  19. Subject Index
    1. A
    2. B
    3. C
    4. D
    5. E
    6. F
    7. G
    8. H
    9. I
    10. J
    11. L
    12. M
    13. N
    14. O
    15. P
    16. Q
    17. R
    18. S
    19. T
    20. U
    21. V
    22. W
    23. Z