• Gantt charts, 121, 121f, 122, 450

  • GE Multifactor Portfolio Matrix, 161, 163

  • Gender

    • boards of directors, 225

    • salary gaps, 3, 4f

  • Gender-role stereotypes, 59

  • General and Industrial Management (Fayol), 450

  • General environment

    • demographics, 156157

    • economics of, 155156

    • international component, 157158, 158t

    • legal component, 157

    • political component, 157

    • social values, 157

    • technology component, 157

  • General system theory, 456

  • Generally Accepted System Security Principles (GASSP), 407, 408t

  • Generation X, 57

  • Generation Y, 57

  • Geocentric attitudes, 92

  • Glass ceiling, 59

  • Global banking business, 80

  • Global organizations, 95

  • Global procurement, 94

  • Globalization, 80

  • Goal-setting, 321

    • standards, 395

  • "Golden Rule" approach to pluralism, 6566

  • Good to Great (Collins), 307

  • Graicuna’s formula, 183

  • Grapevines, 280281

    • types of, 280f

  • Graphic break-even analysis, 435

    • advantages of, 436

  • Grid organization development (grid OD), 246247

  • Group decision-making, 143

    • brainstorming, 144145

    • evaluating, 145

    • exercises, 149

    • facilitating, 144

    • groupthink, 144

    • nominal group technique, 145

  • Group technology layout, 425

  • Groups

  • Groupthink, 144, 347

  • Growth, 164

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