Class Preparation and Personal Study

To help you prepare for class, perform the activities outlined in this section. Performing these activities will help you to significantly enhance your classroom performance.

Reflecting on Target Skill

On page 367, this chapter opens by presenting a target management skill along with a list of related objectives outlining knowledge and understanding that you should aim to acquire related to that skill. Review this target skill and the list of objectives to make sure that you’ve acquired all pertinent information within the chapter. If you do not feel that you’ve reached a particular objective(s), study related chapter coverage until you do.

Know Key Terms

Understanding the following key terms is critical to your preparing for class. Define each of these terms. Refer to the page(s) referenced after a term to check your definition or to gain further insight regarding the term.

  1. organization culture 369

  2. organization subculture 369

  3. dominant organization culture 369

  4. code of conduct 370

  5. clan culture 371

  6. adhocracy culture 371

  7. hierarchy culture 372

  8. market culture 372

  9. organizational commitment 375

  10. quality dimension of organization culture 376

  11. ethics dimension of organization culture 376

  12. innovation dimension of organization culture 377

  13. spirituality dimension of organization culture 377

  14. diversity dimension of organization culture 377

  15. customer dimension of organization culture 377

  16. cultural artifact 378

  17. value 378

  18. values statement 378

  19. organizational myth 378

  20. organizational saga 379

  21. organizational storytelling 379

  22. organizational symbol 380

  23. organizational ceremony 380

  24. organizational socialization 381

  25. healthy organization culture 382

  26. unhealthy organization culture 382

Know How Management Concepts Relate

This section comprises activities that will further sharpen your understanding of management concepts. Answer essay questions as completely as possible.

  1. 16-1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of having a clan culture within an organization. As a manager, would this culture be hard for you to establish? Why or why not?

  2. 16-2. Assume that you are a professor teaching a management course. What vision would you have for the course culture? List three artifacts you would use to establish and maintain this vision. Be sure to explain why you chose each artifact.

  3. 16-3. List three challenges a manager might face in appropriately socializing new employees into an organization culture. What advice would you give managers for how to meet these challenges?

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