
  1. 1. Allison Landa, “Sperry Van Ness Implements New Mobile Marketing Technology,” Commercial Property Executive, March 30, 2010, http://www.cpexecutive.com; Kristen Tatti, “Two Years Later, Sperry Van Ness Still Growing,” Northern Colorado Business Report, April 23, 2010, http://www.ncbr.com; Chris Wood, “Sperry Van Ness Brokers Go Mobile,” Multifamily Executive, April 8, 2010, http://www.multifamilyexecutive.com.

  2. 2. For an illustration of the complexity of control in an international context, see: Jean-Francois Hennart, “Control in Multinational Firms: The Role of Price and Hierarchy,” Management International Review (Special Issue 1991): 71–96. See also: “Defining Controls,” The Internal Auditor 55, no. 3 (June 1998): 47.

  3. 3. For insights about control in the international arena, see: John Volkmar, “Context and Control in Foreign Subsidiaries: Making a Case for the Host Country National Manager,” Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies 10 (2003): 93.

  4. 4 K. A. Merchant, “The Control Function of Management,” Sloan Management Review 23 (Summer 1982): 43–55.

  5. 5. For a discussion relating planning and controlling to leadership, see: Sushil K. Sharma and Savita Dakhane, “Effective Leadership: The Key to Success,” Employment News 23, no. 10 (June 6–12, 1988): 1, 15.

  6. 6. For more discussion on Murphy’s Law, see: Grady W. Harris, “Living with Murphy’s Law,” Research-Technology Management (January/February 1994): 10–13.

  7. 7. Robert J. Mockler, ed., Readings in Management Control (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970), 14.

  8. 8. For insights about the process that Delta Air Lines uses to control distribution costs, see: Perry Flint, “Delta’s ‘Shot Heard ’Round the World,’” Air Transport World (April 1995): 61–62.

  9. 9. Francis V. McCrory and Peter Gerstberger, “The New Math of Performance Measurement,” Journal of Business Strategy (March/April 1991): 33–38; L. Bielski, “KPI: Your Metrics Should Tell a Story,” ABA Banking Journal 99, no. 10 (2007): 66–68; B. Hirtle, “The Impact of Network Size on Bank Branch Performance,” Journal of Banking & Finance 31, no. 12 (2007): 3782–3805.

  10. 10. S. de Leeuwand and J. P. van den Berg, “Improving Operational Performance by Influencing Shopfloor Behavior via Performance Management Practices,” Journal of Operations Management 29 (2011): 224–235. For more information about measuring employee performance, see: A. J. Kinicki, K. J. L. Jacobson, S. J. Peterson, and G. E. Prussia, “Development and Validation of the Performance Management Behavior Questionnaire,” Personnel Psychology 66 (2013): 1–45.

  11. 11. For discussion of quality-oriented performance standards, see: Perry Rector and Brian Kleiner, “Performance Standards: Defining Quality Service in Community-Based Organizations,” Management Research News 26 (2003): 161.

  12. 12. James M. Bright, “A Clear Picture,” Credit Union Management (February 1995): 28–29.

  13. 13. For a discussion of how standards are set, see: James B. Dilworth, Production and Operations Management: Manufacturing and Non-Manufacturing (New York: Random House, 1986), 637–650. For more information on various facets of standards and standards setting, see: Len Eglo, “Save Dollars on Maintenance Management,” Chemical Engineering 97 (June 1990): 157–162.

  14. 14. For an example of a company surpassing performance standards, see: Peter Nulty, “How to Live by Your Wits,” Fortune (April 20, 1992): 19–20.

  15. 15. To better understand the importance of corrective action, see: Zheng Gu, “Predicting Potential Failure, Taking Corrective Action Are Keys to Success,” Nation’s Restaurant News 33, no. 25 (June 21, 1999): 31–32.

  16. 16. For more about corrective action in developing countries, see: Martin Brownbridge and Samuel Maimbo, “Can Prompt Corrective Action Rules Work in the Developing World?” Journal of African Business 4 (2003): 47.

  17. 17. For a review of other common problems in organizations, see: Robert E. Quinn, Regina M. O’Neill, and Lynda St. Clair, Pressing Problems in Modern Organizations (That Keep Us Up at Night): Transforming Agendas for Research and Practice (New York: AMACOM, 1999).

  18. 18. For an illustration of the problem/symptom relationship, see: Elizabeth Dougherty, “Waste Minimization: Reduce Wastes and Reap the Benefits,” R&D 32 (April 1990): 62–68.

  19. 19. “Stein Mart Selects Oracle Retail Merchandising and Planning Applications,” Trading Markets, April 22, 2010, http://www.tradingmarkets.com.

  20. 20. For an excellent review of research on power in organizations, see: P. Fleming, and A. Spicer, “Organizational Power in Management and Organization Science,” Academy of Management Annals (in press). For a review of personal power, see: C. Anderson, O. P. John, and D. Keltner, “The Personal Sense of Power,” Journal of Personality 80 (2012): 313–344.

  21. 21. Jeffrey Pfeffer, “Power Play,” Harvard Business Review 88, no. 7/8 (July/August 2010): 84–92. See also: B. L. Brescoll, “Who Takes the Floor and Why: Gender, Power, and Volubility in Organizations,” Administrative Science Quarterly (in press).

  22. 22. For more information on position power, see: S. R. Giessner and T. W. Schubert, “High in the Hierarchy: How Vertical Location and Judgments of Leaders’ Power Are Interrelated,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 104, no. 1 (2007): 30–44.

  23. 23. See: Amitai Etzioni, A Comparative Analysis of Complex Organizations (New York: Free Press, 1961), 4–6. See also: D. C. Treadway, J. W. Breland, L. M. Williams, J. Cho, J. Yang, and G. R. Ferris, “Social Influence and Interpersonal Power in Organizations: Roles of Performance and Political Skill in Two Studies,” Journal of Management 39 (2013): 1529–1553.

  24. 24. John P. Kotter, “Power, Dependence, and Effective Management,” Harvard Business Review (July/August 1977): 128.

  25. 25. John P. Kotter, “Power, Dependence, and Effective Management,” Harvard Business Review (July/August 1977): 135–136. For a discussion of how empowering subordinates can increase the power of a manager, see: Linda A. Hill, “Maximizing Your Influence,” Working Woman (April 1995): 21–22.

  26. 26. OnPoint Consulting, “Does the Use of Influence Tactics Vary across Cultures?” On Leadership Blog, September 18, 2012, http://www.onpointconsultingllc.com; Christie Caldwell, “Tomorrow’s Global Leaders,” People and Strategy (September 2013), Business Insights: Global, http://bi.galegroup.com; Andreas Engelen, Fritz Lackhoff, and Susanne Schmidt, “How Can Chief Marketing Officers Strengthen Their Influence? A Social Capital Perspective across Six Country Groups,” Journal of International Marketing 21, no. 4 (2013): 88–109.

  27. 27. John P. Kotter, “Power, Dependence, and Effective Management,” Harvard Business Review (July/August 1977): 131.

  28. 28. W. Jerome III, Executive Control: The Catalyst (New York: Wiley, 1961), 31–34.

  29. 29. For an article emphasizing the importance of management understanding and being supportive of organizational control efforts, see: Richard M. Morris III, “Management Support: An Underlying Premise,” Industrial Management 31 (March/April 1989): 2–3.

  30. 30. The term information has been defined in various ways in academic and professional literature. For a classification of the various definitions, see: Earl H. McKinney, Jr., “Information about Information: A Taxonomy of Views,” MIS Quarterly 34, no. 2 (June 2010): 329–A5.

  31. 31. Garland R. Hadley and Mike C. Patterson, “Are Middle-Paying Jobs Really Declining?” Oklahoma Business Bulletin 56 (June 1988): 12–14; A. Essam Radwan and Jerome Fields, “Keeping Tabs on Toxic Spills,” Civil Engineering 60 (April 1990): 70–72; Dean C. Minderman, “Marketing: Desktop Demographics,” Credit Union Management 13 (February 1990): 26.

  32. 32. Carol Davis and Edmund Haefele, “A Practical and Tested Infrastructure Design for Large Business Warehouse Systems,” Business Information Review 27, no. 1 (2010): 43–55.

  33. 33. Michael S. Hopkins, “The Four Ways IT Is Revolutionizing Innovation,” Sloan Management Review (Spring 2010): 51–56.

  34. 34. Henry Mintzberg, “The Myths of MIS,” California Management Review (Fall 1972): 92–97; Jay W. Forrester, “Managerial Decision Making,” in Martin Greenberger, ed., Management and the Computer of the Future (Cambridge, MA, and New York: MIT Press and Wiley, 1962), 37.

  35. 35. The following discussion is based largely on Robert H. Gregory and Richard L. Van Horn, “Value and Cost of Information,” in J. Daniel Conger and Robert W. Knapp, eds., Systems Analysis Techniques (New York: Wiley, 1974), 473–489.

  36. 36. To better understand how information systems can improve the quality of an organization’s information, see: B. S. Butler and P. H. Gray, “Reliability, Mindfulness, and Information Systems,” MIS Quarterly 30, no. 2 (2006): 211–224.

  37. 37. John T. Small and William B. Lee, “In Search of MIS,” MSU Business Topics (Autumn 1975): 47–55.

  38. 38. G. Anthony Gorry and Michael S. Scott Morton, “A Framework for Management Information Systems,” Sloan Management Review 13 (Fall 1971): 55–70.

  39. 39. Stephen L. Cohen, “Managing Human-Resource Data Keeping Your Data Clean,” Training & Development Journal 43 (August 1989): 50–54. To understand how information quality helps managers satisfy customers, see: J. Xu, I. Benbasat, and R. T. Cenfetelli, “Integrating Service Quality with System and Information Quality: An Empirical Test in the E-Service Context,” MIS Quarterly 37: 777–A9.

  40. 40. Michael A. Verespej, “Communications Technology: Slave or Master?” Industry Week (June 19, 1995): 48–55; John C. Scully, “Information Overload?” Managers Magazine (May 1995): 2.

  41. 41. James R. Hagerty, “How Many Turns in a Screw? Big Data Knows,” Wall Street Journal, May 15, 2013, http://online.wsj.com; Shira Ovide, “Big Data, Big Blunders,” Wall Street Journal, March 8, 2013, http://online.wsj.com; Deborah Gage, “Pictures Make Sense of Big Data,” Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2013, http://online.wsj.com; CIO Journal, “GE Launches Industrial Internet Analytics Platform,” Wall Street Journal, June 18, 2013, http://blogs.wsj.com.

  42. 42. T. Mukhapadhyay and R. B. Cooper, “Impact of Management Information Systems on Decisions,” Omega 20 (1992): 37–49.

  43. 43. Robert W. Holmes, “Twelve Areas to Investigate for Better MIS,” Financial Executive (July 1970): 24. A similar definition is presented and illustrated in: Jeffrey A. Coopersmith, “Modern Times: Computerized Systems Are Changing the Way Today’s Modern Catalog Company Is Structured,” Catalog Age 7 (June 1990): 77–78.

  44. 44. Kenneth C. Laudon and Jane Price Laudon, Management Information Systems: Organization and Technology (New York: Macmillan, 1993), 38.

  45. 45. For an article discussing how a well-managed MIS promotes the usefulness of information, see: Albert Lederer and Veronica Gardner, “Meeting Tomorrow’s Business Demands Through Strategic Information Systems Planning,” Information Strategy: The Executive’s Journal (Summer 1992): 20–27.

  46. 46. This section is based on Richard A. Johnson, R. Joseph Monsen, Henry P. Knowles, and Borge O. Saxberg, Management Systems and Society: An Introduction (Santa Monica, CA: Goodyear, 1976), 113–120; James Emery, “Information Technology in the 21st Century Enterprise,” MIS Quarterly (December 1991): xxi–xxiii.

  47. 47. CIO Journal, “Twitter’s Data Has Unique Value for Business,” Wall Street Journal, November 7, 2013, http://blogs.wsj.com; Victor Luckerson, “Twitter Is Selling Access to Your Tweets for Millions,” Time (October 9, 2013), EBSCOhost, http://web.ebscohost.com; Garett Sloane, “Twitter Is Giving Brands and Publishers More Insights into How Their Tweets Perform,” Adweek, January 23, 2014, http://www.adweek.com; Somini Sengupta, “In Hot Pursuit of Numbers to Ward Off Crime,” New York Times, June 19, 2013, Business Insights: Global, http://bi.galegroup.com; Twitter, “Twitter for Business: Analytics,” https://business.twitter.com, accessed January 27, 2014.

  48. 48. Robert G. Murdick, “MIS for MBO,” Journal of Systems Management (March 1977): 34–40; see also: A. S. Dunk, “Innovation Budget Pressure, Quality of IS Information, and Departmental Performance,” British Accounting Review 39, no. 2 (2007): 115–124.

  49. 49. “Sage North America Expands HR Management Software Choices for Nonprofit and Government Organizations,” Market Wire, April 1, 2010, http://smart-grid.tmcnet.com.

  50. 50. The discussion is based on A. Rai, S. S. Lang, and R. B. Welker, “Assessing the Validity of IS Success Models: An Empirical Test and Theoretical Analysis,” Information Systems Research 13, no. 1 (2002): 50–69.

  51. 51. For more information on the turnover of IS workers, see: D. Joseph, K. Ng, C. Koh, and S. Ang, “Turnover of Information Technology Professionals: A Narrative Review, Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Modeling, and Model Development,” MIS Quarterly 31, no. 3 (2007): 547–577.

  52. 52. C. O. Longenecker and J. A. Scazzero, “The Turnover and Retention of IT Managers in Rapidly Changing Organizations,” Information Systems Management (Winter 2003): 58–63.

  53. 53. S. Overby, “The Future of Jobs and Innovation: Scenario One,” CIO, December 15, 2003, www.cio.com. For information on the complexities involved with outsourcing information technology, see: K. Han and S. Mithas, “Information Technology Outsourcing and Non-IT Operating Costs: An Empirical Investigation,” MIS Quarterly 37 (2013): 315–331.

  54. 54. J. King, “IT’s Global Itinerary,” Computerworld, September 15, 2003, www.computerworld.com.

  55. 55. M. R. Gramaila and I. Kim, “An Undergraduate Business Information Security Course and Laboratory,” Journal of Information Systems Education 13, no. 3 (2003): 189–196.

  56. 56. B. Albright, “Serge Blanco Scores with RFID,” Material Handling Management (2010); M. Kay, “Ready for Liftoff: RFID in the Apparel Industry,” Apparel Magazine (2010); M. Napolitano, “RFID Surges Ahead,” Logistics Management (2012); “RFID for What? 101 Innovative Ways to Use RFID,” RFID Journal (July/August 2011); J. Speer, “Luxury Rugby Brand Scores with Item-Level RFID,” Apparel Magazine (2011).

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