
  1. 1. Angela Moscaritolo, “How Walmart Is Gearing Up for Black Friday,” PC Magazine, November 19, 2013, http://www.pcmag.com; Susanna Kim, “Walmart’s Black Friday, Thanksgiving Plans Try to Control Crowds: Will They Work?” ABC News, November 20, 2013, http://abcnews.go.com; Tom Andel, “Walmart and the Logistics of Customer Service,” Material Handling & Logistics (July 2013): 4–5; “Logistics Team Learns to Be Better, Smarter,” MMR, December 9, 2013, Business Insights: Global, http://bi.galegroup.com; Renee Dudley, “Wal-Mart Trims Forecast as Economy Restrains Shoppers,” Bloomberg, http://www.bloomberg.com; Shelly Banjo, “Shoppers Can’t Shake the Blues,” Wall Street Journal, November 14, 2013, http://online.wsj.com; Larry Smith, “Connecting the Consumer to the Factory,” Supply Chain Management Review, May–June 2013, Business Insights: Global, http://bi.galegroup.com.

  2. 2. Harry Jones, Preparing Company Plans: A Workbook for Effective Corporate Planning (New York: Wiley, 1974), 3; Richard G. Meloy, “Business Planning,” The CPA Journal 63, no. 8 (March 1998): 74–75.

  3. 3. Robert G. Reed, “Five Challenges Multiple-Line Companies Face,” Market Facts (January/February 1990): 5–6. For an article on minimizing risk, see: “Prior Planning Is Key to Averting a Crisis,” Investor Relations Business (July 23, 2001): 8.

  4. 4. C. W. Roney, “The Two Purposes of Business Planning,” Managerial Planning (November/December 1976): 1–6; Linda C. Simmons, “Plan. Ready. Aim,” Mortgage Banking 56, no. 5 (February 1996): 95–96. For an interesting account of the planning function in an international setting, see: Gabriel Ogunmokun, “Planning: An Exploratory Investigation of Small Business Organizations in Australia,” International Journal of Management 15, no. 1 (March 1998): 60–71.

  5. 5. Company website, http://www.wholefoodsmarket.com, accessed May 15, 2010; Wendy Zellner, “Moving Tofu into the Mainstream,” BusinessWeek (May 25, 1992): 94.

  6. 6. Paula Jarzabkowski and Julia Balogun, “The Practice and Process of Delivering Integration through Strategic Planning,” Journal of Management Studies 46, no. 8 (August 2009): 1255–1288.

  7. 7. Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnell, Management: A Systems and Contingency Analysis of Management Functions (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976), 130.

  8. 8. For an interesting discussion on how the importance of planning relates even to day-to-day operations, see: Teri Lammers, “The Custom-Made Day Planner,” Inc. (February 1992): 61–62.

  9. 9. For other benefits of planning, see: Scott Ransom, “Planning Is Vital New Skill for Physician Executives,” Physician Executive 29 (2003): 59.

  10. 10. A study on the impact of business planning on new ventures is described in Andrew Burke, Stuart Fraser, and Francis J. Greene, “The Multiple Effects of Business Planning on New Venture Performance,” Journal of Management Studies 47, no. 3 (May 2010): 391–415. For a discussion of how planning can yield the advantage of improved quality in organizations, see: Z. T. Temtime, “The Moderating Impacts of Business Planning and Firm Size on Total Quality Management Practices,” The TQM Magazine 15 (2003): 52; see also: Anita Lee, “Early Planning for Hazards Bring Benefits to Biloxi,” Planning 70 (2004): 51.

  11. 11. Kenneth R. Allen, “Creating and Executing a Business Plan,” American Agent & Broker (July 1994): 20–21.

  12. 12. For a discussion of how improper planning might result in a competitive disadvantage, see: Yolanda Sarason and Linda Tegarden, “The Erosion of the Competitive Advantage of Strategic Planning: A Configuration Theory and Resource-Based View,” Journal of Business and Management 9 (2003): 1.

  13. 13. Jennifer A. Knight, “Loss Control Solution to Limiting Costs of Workplace Violence,” Corporate Cashflow (July 1994): 16–17. For an interesting study that explores the emotional conflicts and confusion around corporate success and failure, see: Mikita Brottman, “The Company Man: A Case on White-Collar Crime,” American Journal of Psychoanalysis 69, no. 2 (2009): 121–135.

  14. 14. Company website, http://www.hm.com, accessed May 4, 2010.

  15. 15. Kirkland Wilcox and Richard Discenza, “The TQM Advantage,” CA Magazine (May 1994): 37–41.

  16. 16. Company website, “A Greener Apple,” http://www.apple.com, accessed May 21, 2010.

  17. 17. Sheila Shanker, “Great Policies and Procedures for Your Organization,” Nonprofit World (September/October 2013): 14–15; Max Messmer, “How to Write Your Business’s Employee Handbook and Procedures Manual,” Human Resources Kit for Dummies, 3rd ed., accessed at http://www.dummies.com, January 3, 2014; Mike Lynch, “Simplify Tasks by Writing Down Procedures,” Modern Machine Shop, February 2013, EBSCOhost, http://web.ebscohost.com.

  18. 18. From “Seize the Future—Make Top Trends Pay Off Now,” Success (March 1990): 39–45.

  19. 19. For an interesting article discussing the ethical and cultural challenges involved with budgeting, see: Patricia Casey Douglas and Benson Wier, “Cultural and Ethical Effects in Budgeting Systems: A Comparison of U.S. and Chinese Managers,” Journal of Business Ethics 60, no. 2 (2005): 159–174.

  20. 20. For a discussion of U.S. shortsightedness in planning, see: Michael T. Jacobs, “A Cure for America’s Corporate Short-Termism,” Planning Review (January/February 1992): 4–9. For a discussion of the close relationship between objectives and planning, see: “Mistakes to Avoid: From a Business Owner,” Business Owner (September/October 1994): 11.

  21. 21. For an overview of strategic planning, see: Bryan W. Barry, “A Beginner’s Guide to Strategic Planning,” The Futurist 32, no. 3 (April 1998): 33–36.

  22. 22. Company website, “Target Donates $50,000 to Support Oil-Spill Cleanup Efforts,” May 7, 2010, http://pressroom.target.com.

  23. 23. For an excellent resource on mission statements, see: Jeffrey Abrahams, 101 Mission Statements from Top Companies (Berkeley, CA: Ten Speed Press, 2007).

  24. 24. James F. Lincoln, “Intelligent Selfishness and Manufacturing,” Bulletin 434 (New York: Lincoln Electric Company).

  25. 25. John F. Mee, “Management Philosophy for Professional Executives,” Business Horizons (December 1956): 7.

  26. 26. David J. Campbell and David M. Furrer, “Goal Setting and Competition as Determinants of Task Performance,” Journal of Organizational Behavior 16, no. 4 (July 1995): 377–390.

  27. 27. Peter F. Drucker, The Practice of Management (New York: Harper & Bros., 1954), 62–65, 126–129. For an interesting discussion on objectives and innovation, see: Barton G. Tretheway, “Everything New Is Old Again,” Marketing Management 7, no. 1 (Spring 1998): 4–13. For a tribute to Drucker, see: A. J. Vogo, “Drucker, of Course,” Across the Board 37, no. 10 (November/December 2000): 1.

  28. 28. “ConocoPhillips to Shed Half of Lukoil Stake,” Forbes.com, March 24, 2010, http://www.forbes.com.

  29. 29. Charles H. Granger, “The Hierarchy of Objectives,” Harvard Business Review (May/June 1964): 64–74; Richard E. Kopelman, “Managing for Productivity: One-Third of the Job,” National Productivity Review 17, no. 3 (Summer 1998): 1–2. Reprinted with the permission of American Management Association International. New York, NY. All rights reserved; see also: Robert Kaplan and David Norton, “How Strategy Maps Frame an Organization’s Objectives,” Financial Executive 20 (2004): 40.

  30. 30. Geoffrey Moore, “To Succeed in the Long Term, Focus on the Middle Term,” Harvard Business Review 85, no. 7/8 (2007): 84–91. For another excellent review underscoring the importance of time when forming objectives, see: Piers Steel and Cornelius J. Konic, “Integrating Theories of Motivation,” The Academy of Management Review 31, no. 4 (2006): 889–913.

  31. 31. F. Geiger, “Audi to Invest $30 Billion through 2018,” Wall Street Journal, December 27, 2013, http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303345104579283811039817926?KEYWORDS=%22new+goal%22, accessed January 21, 2014; A. Cremer, “VW’s Audi, Porsche to keep growing after top 2013 sales,” Reuters, January 9, 2014, http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/01/09/porsche-sales-idUSL6N0KJ1ZC20140109, accessed January 21, 2014.

  32. 32. Robert L. Mathis and John H. Jackson, Personnel: Human Resource Management (St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1985), 353–355.

  33. 33. Harry Levinson, “Management by Whose Objectives?” Harvard Business Review 81 (2003): 107.

  34. 34. For an interesting examination of how family members make goals in family-owned companies, see: J. Kotlar and A. D. Massis, “Goal Setting in Family Firms: Goal Diversity, Social Interactions, and Collective Commitment to Family-Centered Goals,” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 37: 1263–1288.

  35. 35. C. D. Crossley, C. D. Cooper, and T. S. Wernsing, “Making Things Happen through Challenging Goals: Leader Trust, and Business-Unit Performance,” Journal of Applied Psychology 98: 540–549.

  36. 36. D. T. Welsh and L. D. Ordonez, “The Dark Side of Consecutive High Performance Goals: Linking Goal Setting, Depletion, and Unethical Behavior,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 123 (2014): 79–89.

  37. 37. Robert Rodgers and John E. Hunter, “Impact of Management by Objectives on Organizational Productivity,” Journal of Applied Psychology (1991): 322–335; Jerry L. Rostund, “Evaluating Management Objectives with the Quality Loss Function,” Quality Progress (August 1989): 45–49; Peter Crutchley, “Management by Objectives,” Credit Management (May 1994): 36–38; William J. Kretlow and Winford E. Holland, “Implementing Management by Objectives in Research Administration,” Journal of the Society of Research Administrators (Summer 1988): 135–141.

  38. 38. MBO deals with objectives that are designed based on input from both managers and workers. Nonetheless, some workers may have some subconscious objectives that are not known to managers. For an interesting examination of such objectives, see: Alexander D. Stajkovic, Edwin A. Locke, and Eden S. Blair, “A First Examination of the Relationships Between Primed Subconscious Goals, Assigned Conscious Goals, and Task Performance,” Journal of Applied Psychology 91, no. 5 (2006): 1172–1180.

  39. 39. Charles H. Ford, “Manage by Decisions, Not by Objectives,” Business Horizons (February 1980): 17–18. For an interesting description of how firms in Sweden employ MBO, see: Terry Ingham, “Management by Objectives—A Lesson in Commitment and Cooperation,” Managing Service Quality 5, no. 6 (1995): 35–38.

  40. 40. For a different viewpoint on the MBO approach, see: Harry Levinson, “Management by Whose Objectives?” Harvard Business Review (Summer 2010): 28–38.

  41. 41. Charles F. Kettering, “A Glimpse at the Future,” Industry Week (July 1, 1991): 34.

  42. 42. Joanne Tokle and Dennis Krumwiede, “An Overview of Forecasting Error Among International Manufacturers,” Journal of International Business Research 5, no. 2 (2006): 97–105.

  43. 43. William C. House, “Environmental Analysis: Key to More Effective Dynamic Planning,” Managerial Planning (January/February 1977): 25–29. The basic components of this forecasting method, as well as those of other methods, are discussed in Chaman L. Jain, “How to Determine the Approach to Forecasting,” Journal of Business Forecasting Methods & Systems (Summer 1995): 2, 28. For information about software applications designed to help companies in their planning and forecasting, see: Anonymous, “Planning and Forecasting,” Financial Executive 17, no. 3 (May 2001): 14–15.

  44. 44. For an excellent discussion of the influence of industry dynamics on forecasting, see: Hao Tan and John A. Mathews, “Identification and Analysis of Industry Cycles,” Journal of Business Research 63, no. 5 (2010): 454–462.

  45. 45. Isis Almeida, Olivier Monnier, and Baudelaire Mieu, “Enjoy Those Chocolate Hearts While You Can,” Bloomberg Businessweek, February 11, 2013, EBSCOhost, http://web.ebscohost.com; International Cocoa Organization, “The Chocolate Industry,” updated May 29, 2013, http://www.icco.org/about-cocoa/chocolate-industry.html; Mars Inc., “Sustainable Cocoa Initiative: Securing Cocoa’s Future,” http://www.mars.com/global/brands/cocoa-sustainability-home.aspx, accessed January 7, 2014.

  46. 46. Marshall L. Fisher et al., “Making Supply Meet Demand in an Uncertain World,” Harvard Business Review (May/June 1994): 83–89; to understand how managerial incentives influence forecast accuracy, see: Q. Cheng, T. Luo, and H. Yue, “Managerial Incentives and Management Forecast Precision,” The Accounting Review 88 (2013): 1575–1602.

  47. 47. For a new product sales forecast model based on an Analytic Network Process framework, see: Dimitra Voulgaridou, Konstantinos Kirytopoulos, and Vrassidas Leopoulos, “An Analytic Network Process Approach to Sales Forecasting,” Operational Research 9, no. 1 (2009): 35–53.

  48. 48. Olfa Hemler, “The Uses of Delphi Techniques in Problems of Educational Innovations,” no. 8499, RAND Corporation, December 1966. For an interesting article employing the Delphi method to analyze international trends, see: Michael R. Czinkota and Ilkka A. Ronkainen, “International Business and Trade in the Next Decade: Report from a Delphi Study,” Journal of International Business Studies 28, no. 4 (Fourth Quarter 1997): 827–844.

  49. 49. James E. Cox, Jr., “Approaches for Improving Salespersons’ Forecasts,” Industrial Marketing Management 18 (November 1989): 307–311; Jack Stack, “A Passion for Forecasting,” Inc. (November 1997): 37–38. For more information on forecasting, see: Nassim N. Taleb, The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (New York: Random House, 2007).

  50. 50. For an application of time series analysis, see: Lester Hunt and Yasushi Ninomiya, “Unraveling Trends and Seasonality: A Structural Time Series Analysis of Transport Oil Demand in the UK and Japan,” Energy Journal 24 (2003): 63.

  51. 51. N. Carroll Mohn, “Forecasting Sales with Trend Models—Coca-Cola’s Experience,” Journal of Business Forecasting 8 (Fall 1989): 6–8. For an interesting article that describes the use of time series analysis in predicting the alcohol consumption of Europeans, see: David E. Smith and Hans S. Solgaard, “Global Trends in European Alcoholic Drinks Consumption,” Marketing and Research Today 26, no. 2 (May 1998): 80–85. For a historical perspective of time series analysis, see: D. S. G. Pollock, “Statistical Visions in Time: A History of Time Series Analysis, 1662–1938,” Economica 67, no. 267 (August 2000): 459–461.

  52. 52. For information on product life cycles, see: George S. Day, “The Product Life Cycle: Analysis and Applications Issues,” Journal of Marketing 45, no. 4 (1981): 60–67; to understand how life cycles may vary based on a company’s industry, see: E. V. Karniouchina, S. J. Carson, J. C. Short, and D. J. Ketchen, Jr., “Extending the Firm vs. Industry Debate: Does Industry Life Cycle Stage Matter?” Strategic Management Journal 34 (2013): 1010–1018.

  53. 53. For elaboration on these methods, see: George A. Steiner, Top Management Planning (London: Collier-Macmillan, 1969), 223–227.

  54. 54. Also see: M. Seifert and A. L. Hadida, “On the Importance of Linear Model and Human Judge(s) in Combined Forecasting,” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 120: 24–36.

  55. 55. This discussion and accompanying table is based on Teresa M. McCarthy, Donna F. Davis, Susan L. Golicic, and John T. Mentzer, “The Evolution of Sales Forecasting Management: A 20-Year Longitudinal Study of Forecasting Practices,” Journal of Forecasting 25 (2006): 303–324. For an alternative view of several case studies related to the worst business forecasting practices of companies and their solutions, see: Lad A. Dilgard, “Worst Forecasting Practices in Corporate America and Their Solutions—Case Studies,” Journal of Business Forecasting 28, no. 2 (2009): 4–13.

  56. 56. James Wilson, “Gantt Charts: A Centenary Appreciation,” European Journal of Operational Research 149 (2003): 430. To better understand the sensitivity of Gantt charts, see: S. A. Oke and O. E. Charles-Owaba, “A Sensitivity Analysis of an Optimal Gantt Charting Maintenance Scheduling Model,” The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management 23, no. 2/3 (2006): 197–229.

  57. 57. Amy Fischbach, “Naval Hospital Project Raises Bar on Safety and Productivity,” Electrical Construction and Maintenance, December 15, 2013, Business Insights: Global, http://bi.galegroup.com; Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton, “Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton Is Moving in December 2013!” September 2013, http://www.med.navy.mil; Navy Hospital Camp Pendleton, “Replacement Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton Move Date Announced,” news release, May 24, 2013, http://www.navy.mil; Clark/McCarthy Joint Venture, “Camp Pendleton Hospital Replacement Project,” http://www.clarkmccarthycamppendleton.com, accessed January 3, 2014; Clark/McCarthy Joint Venture, “Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton” (project newsletter), October 2013, accessed at http://www.clarkmccarthycamppendleton.com/events.

  58. 58. Willard Fazar, “The Origin of PERT,” The Controller (December 1962). For a discussion of software packages that draw preliminary PERT and Gantt charts, see: Pat Sweet, “A Planner’s Best Friend?” Accountancy (February 1994): 56, 58. Also see: Curtis F. Franklin, Jr., “Project Managers Toolbox,” CIO 11, no. 2 (October 15, 1997): 64–70. For an extension of the Gantt chart, see: Harvey Maylor, “Beyond the Gantt Chart: Project Management Moving On,” European Management Journal 19, no. 1 (February 2001): 92–100.

  59. 59. See also: H. M. Soroush, “The Most Critical Path in a PERT Network,” Journal of the Operational Research Society 45 (March 1994): 287–300.

  60. 60. For insights about using PERT, see: Jose Perez, Salvador Rambaud, and Jose Velasco, “Some Indications to Correctly Use Estimations of an Expert in the PERT Methodology,” Central European Journal of Operations Research 11 (2003): 183. To better understand the dynamics involved with PERT, see: Amir Azaron and Reza Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, “Multi-Objective Time-Cost Trade-Off in Dynamic PERT Networks Using an Interactive Approach,” European Journal of Operational Research 180, no. 3 (2007): 1186–1200.

  61. 61. Avraham Shtub, “The Integration of CPM and Material Management in Project Management,” Construction Management and Economics 6 (Winter 1988): 261–272; Michael A. Hatfield and James Noel, “The Case for Critical Path,” Cost Engineering 40, no. 3 (March 1998): 17–18.

  62. 62. For extended discussion of these steps, see: Edward K. Shelmerdine, “Planning for Project Management,” Journal of Systems Management 40 (January 1989): 16–20.

  63. 63. Kjell A. Ringbakk, “Why Planning Fails,” European Business (July 1970). See also: William G. Gang, “Strategic Planning and Competition: A Survival Guide for Electric Utilities,” Fortnightly (February 1, 1994): 20–23.

  64. 64. Alden M. Hayashi, “Do You Have a ‘Plan B’?” MIT Sloan Management Review, October 1, 2009, http://sloanreview.mit.edu.

  65. 65. “Entrepreneur of the Year Finalist: Corbin Church, Miche,” Deseret News (June 19, 2011); Andrew McMains, “Consumers Party on for Major Brands,” Adweek 51: 5; www.michebag.com, 2010; Leslie Patton, “House Parties with a Commercial Twist,” Bloomberg BusinessWeek (2011); “Salt Lake City–Based Miche Bag Unveils New Direct Sales Business Model,” https://dare.miche.com/about-miche/media, accessed May 23, 2012.

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