• Illusion of control, 472

  • Immigrants, workforce, 56

  • Importing, 87

  • In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), 7

  • Incremental improvement process, 497499

  • Individualism, 93

  • Industry environment, 158159

  • Influencing function, 5, 6f

    • communication, 268

    • emotional intelligence, 269

    • leadership, 291

    • social networking, 269

    • subsystems, 267f f

  • Informal groups

    • benefits of, 350

    • communication, 351

    • evolution of, 352

    • example, 350f

    • friendship groups, 350

    • Homans Model, 352

    • interest groups, 349

    • managing, 350351

    • sociograms, 351f

    • sociometry, 350351

  • Informal organizational communication, 279

    • grapevine, 280281

    • patterns of, 280

    • serial transmission, 280

  • Informal structure, 181

  • Information

  • Information asymmetry, 470

  • Information systems (IS), 409

    • appropriateness of information, 406f

    • defined, 403

    • effectiveness, 407f

    • operating, 403, 404f

    • quality of information, 406

    • security, 405, 407, 411

    • social media, 404

    • user satisfaction, 405406

    • workforce, 405407

  • Information technology (IT), 403

  • Innovation, 445, 504

  • Innovation dimension of organization culture, 377

  • Innovation process

    • developing, 493494

    • diffusing, 494

    • integrating, 494

    • inventing, 492493

    • management ideas, 493

    • monitoring, 494

    • process ideas, 493

    • product ideas, 493

    • reverse innovation, 494

    • steps in, 495f

    • technology ideas, 493

  • Insider trading, 38

  • Inspection, 433

  • Insufficient capacity, 423

  • Integrating (innovation), 494

  • Interacting skill, 165

  • Internal environment, 159

  • International joint ventures, 88

  • International market agreements, 8889

  • International markets, 79

  • International organizations, 80. See also Multinational corporations (MNC)

    • centralization, 211

    • challenge case, 79, 9798

    • cultural barriers, 273

    • decentralization, 209211

    • defined, 82

    • human resources, 225

    • leadership, 294

    • level of involvement, 82f

    • location strategy, 424

    • management careers, 15

    • motivational communication, 328

    • organization culture, 370

    • organizational change, 249

    • pluralism and, 65

    • power, 397

    • stakeholders, 30

    • teams, 357

    • trust and, 358

  • Interpersonal communication, 271

  • Intuition, 140

  • Inventing, 492

  • Inventory, 410411

  • Investment, foreign, 80, 80f 81f, 85

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