• Sales forecasts, 117

  • Salesforce estimation method, 119

  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 42

  • Scalar relationships, 182

  • Scheduling

    • Gantt charts, 121122, 450

    • program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 122123

    • scientific management and, 449450

  • Scientific management

    • job design, 447

    • motion-study techniques, 448449

    • task measurement, 449450

    • workforce management, 447

  • Selection

  • Self-managed teams, 354

  • Serial transmissions, 279280

  • Servant leadership, 306307

  • Service industries, productivity, 62

  • Sexual harassment, 59

  • Shared vision, 459

  • Short term/long term orientation, 93

  • Silent Generation, 57

  • Single-use plans, 108

  • Situational approach to leadership, 294, 310

    • contingency theory, 296298

    • decision-focused theory, 299302

    • decision-making, 299

    • life cycle theory, 295296

    • path-goal theory, 298299

    • Vroom-Yetton-Jago (VYJ) model, 302303

  • Slogans, 380f

  • Social audits, 32

    • community area, 33

    • environmental footprint, 32

    • responsible buying area, 33

    • wellness area, 33

  • Social diversity, promoting, 53

  • Social entrepreneurship

    • capital sources, 477

    • defined, 475

    • funding, 476

    • mission, 476

    • performance measures, 477

    • public acceptance, 477

    • social networks, 477

    • social value, 475

  • Social media, 236, 404

  • Social network analysis, 448

  • Social networks, 153, 269, 477

  • Social responsibility. See Corporate social responsibility

  • Social responsiveness, 2930

  • Social values, 157, 475

  • Sociograms, 351

  • Sociometric analysis, 350351

    • sociograms, 351

  • Span of management

    • complexity of functions, 182

    • coordination, 182

    • factors influencing, 183t

    • geographic contiguity, 182

    • Graicuna’s formula, 183

    • planning, 182183

    • similarity of functions, 182

  • Spirituality dimension of organization culture, 377

  • Stability, 165

  • Staff authority, 204

  • Staff personnel

    • advisory/counseling role, 204

    • control role, 205

    • service role, 204205

  • Stakeholders

    • ethical management practices, 39

    • social obligations to, 2930, 34

  • Standards, 393

    • employee attitudes, 395

    • goals, 395

    • market position, 394

    • product leadership, 394

    • productivity, 394

    • profitability, 394

    • social responsibility, 395

  • Standing plans

  • Starbucks Global Responsibility Report, 32

  • Statistical quality control, 420

  • Stereotypes, 5859

  • Store-level distribution resource planning (DRP), 106

  • Strategic business units (SBUs), 162

  • Strategic control, 166

  • Strategic management

    • competitive dynamics, 167168

    • environmental analysis, 155158

    • industry environment, 158159

    • organizational mission, 159160

    • process, 155

    • strategic control, 166

    • strategy formulation, 160165

    • strategy implementation, 165166

    • tactical planning, 166167

  • Strategic planning

    • challenge case, 153, 169

    • competitive dynamics, 167168

    • decisions, 400

    • defined, 154

    • quality improvement, 419

    • strategic control, 166

    • strategy formulation, 160165

    • strategy implementation, 165166

    • tactical planning, 166167, 167t

  • Strategic renewal, 475

  • Strategic workforce planning (SWP), 157

  • Strategy formulation, 154, 421

    • BCG Growth-Share Matrix, 163

    • business portfolio analysis, 161164

    • cost leadership, 164

    • critical question analysis, 160161, 164

    • differentiation, 164

    • divestiture, 165

    • focus, 164

    • GE Multifactor Portfolio Matrix, 163

    • growth, 164

    • Porter’s Model, 164

    • retrenchment, 165

    • stability, 165

    • strategic control, 166

    • SWOT analysis, 161, 164

    • tactical planning, 166167

    • types of, 164

  • Strategy implementation, 165166

  • Stress

  • Stressors, 251

  • Structural change, 245

  • Structure, 181

  • Structure behavior, 292

  • Subordinate-centered leaders, 300

  • Succession planning, 224

  • Superhubs, 416

  • Supportive behavior, 298

  • Sustainability, 25

    • achieving, 3637

    • defined, 34

    • innovation, 3536

    • measuring, 44

    • productivity, 35

    • profit, 35

  • Sustainable organizations, 34, 4546

    • advantages of, 3536

    • goal-setting, 3637

    • recruiting and hiring, 37

    • rewarding employees, 37

    • successful, 36

    • tracking progress, 37

  • Sustained regeneration, 475

  • SWOT analysis, 161, 169, 172

  • Symbols, 380

  • System approach to management, 456

  • Systems, 421

  • Systems thinking, 458

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