• Occupational Safety and Health Act, 157

  • Older workers, 6061

  • On-the-job training, 229

  • Open systems, 456

  • Operational control decisions, 400

  • Operations control, 427

  • Operations management

    • activities, 422f

    • budgetary control, 429431

    • capacity strategy, 423

    • control tools, 432436

    • cost control, 429

    • defined, 422

    • effectiveness, 422

    • efficiency, 422

    • human resources, 426

    • job design, 427

    • Just-in-time (JIT) inventory control, 427428

    • labor force planning, 426427

    • layout strategy, 425

    • location strategy, 423424

    • maintenance control, 428

    • materials control, 432

    • motion-study techniques, 427

    • operations control, 427

    • process strategy, 421, 424425

    • product strategy, 424

    • ratio analysis, 431

    • strategies, 421, 423424

    • systems, 421

    • work measurement methods, 427

    • work methods analysis, 427

  • Operations process, 418419

    • Deming’s flow diagram, 419f

    • quality assurance, 420

  • Operations research (OR), 454

  • Opportunity evaluation, 470471

  • Opportunity exploitation, 472473

    • factors influencing, 473f

    • financing, 473

  • Opportunity identification, 469470

  • Opportunity in Motion (Bank of America), 32

  • Optimal capacity, patterns of, 423

  • Organic structure, 181

  • Organization charts, 9091, 91f, 181

    • height of chart, 183, 184f

    • sample, 190f

    • scalar relationships, 182

    • span of management, 182183, 184f

    • unity of command, 182

    • vertical dimensioning, 182

  • Organization culture

    • accountability, 375

    • adhocracy culture, 371372, 373f

    • ceremonies, 380

    • challenge case, 368, 383384

    • clan culture, 371, 373f

    • code of conduct, 370371

    • Competing Values Framework, 371

    • cultural artifacts, 378

    • customer dimension, 377378

    • defined, 369

    • diversity dimension, 377

    • dominant, 369

    • ethics dimension, 376

    • functions of, 370

    • healthy, 382, 382f, 383, 385386

    • hierarchy culture, 372, 373f

    • hierarchy of objectives, 374

    • high-performance, 373, 374f, 375, 383

    • innovation dimension, 377

    • integrating employees, 380

    • international organizations, 370

    • language, 380

    • market culture, 372, 373f

    • mission, 373

    • myths, 378379

    • operational decision-making, 370

    • organizational commitment, 375

    • organizational strategy and, 370

    • performance, 373374

    • productivity and, 370

    • quality dimension, 376

    • rewards, 375, 380

    • sagas, 379

    • slogans, 380

    • socialization, 381, 381f, 382

    • spirituality dimension, 377

    • staffing rationales, 370

    • storytelling, 379

    • subcultures, 369

    • symbols, 380

    • talented employees, 374

    • types of, 371, 373f

    • unhealthy, 382

    • values, 378

    • vision, 376

  • Organization development (OD), 246247

  • Organization subculture, 369

  • Organizational ceremonies, 380

  • Organizational change

    • challenge case, 241242

    • change agent, 243244

    • conflict, 253255

    • evaluating, 249

    • grid organization development (grid OD), 246247

    • importance of, 242243

    • organization development (OD), 246247

    • people factors, 244249

    • resistance to change, 247248

    • stress, 249252, 260

    • structural factors, 244245

    • success factors, 243, 244f

    • technological factors, 244245

    • transformational leadership, 304

    • virtuality, 255

  • Organizational commitment, 375

  • Organizational communications, 277, 281

  • Organizational effectiveness, 244245, 245f

  • Organizational Huddle Process, 353

  • Organizational language, 380

  • Organizational myths, 378379

  • Organizational objectives, 111

    • customer service, 113

    • forecasting, 117121

    • innovation, 114

    • intermediate-term, 114

    • long-term, 114

    • management by objectives (MBO), 115117

    • managerial performance, 114

    • market standing, 114

    • mission statements, 160

    • open management system, 113f

    • performance, 35

    • physical/financial resources, 114

    • planning tools, 117

    • productivity, 114

    • profitability, 113114

    • public responsibility, 114

    • purpose, 112

    • quality, 115

    • scheduling, 121123

    • short-term, 114

    • social responsibility, 113

    • statements, 113t

    • strategic planning, 154f

    • worker performance, 114

  • Organizational planning. See Planning

  • Organizational resources, 7f

    • capital, 78

    • challenge case, 1819

    • human, 7

    • production, 417

    • raw materials, 78

  • Organizational rewards, 380

  • Organizational sagas, 379

  • Organizational socialization, 381382

  • Organizational storytelling, 379

  • Organizational strategy, 154157, 164

  • Organizational symbols, 380

  • Organizations

  • Organizing

  • Organizing function, 5, 6f

  • Organizing skills, 166

    • challenge case, 176, 190191

    • defined, 177

    • Fayol’s guidelines, 177f

    • importance of, 177

  • OSU studies, 295

    • consideration behavior, 293

    • leadership styles, 293

    • structure behavior, 292

  • Outsourcing, 407, 427

  • Overlapping responsibility, 200

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