• Baby Boom Generation, 57, 226

  • Bank financing, 474

  • Bank wiring observation room experiment, 452

  • BCG Growth-Share Matrix, 161, 163

    • model, 162f

    • strategic business units (SBUs), 162

  • Behavior modification, 327, 332, 335

  • Behavioral approach to management, 446, 451453

  • Benchmarks, 499

  • Bias, 140

  • Bicultural stress, 60

  • Biculturalism, 60

  • Big data, 401

  • Boards of directors, women on, 225

  • Boss-centered leaders, 300

  • Bounded rationality, 139140

  • Brainstorming

  • Break-even analysis

  • Brick-laying motion studies, 449, 449t

  • Budgetary control, 429430

  • Bullying, 252

  • Bureaucracy, 179

  • Business Conduct Guide, 370

  • Business ethics, 39

  • Business portfolio analysis, 161, 169

    • BCG Growth-Share Matrix, 161162

    • GE Multifactor Portfolio Matrix, 161

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