• Economic growth, human capital, 62

  • Economics, general environment, 155156

  • Efficiency studies, 447

  • Emerging Manager Program, 60

  • Emotional intelligence, 269, 270f

  • Employee Advisory Programs (EAPs), 39

  • Employee attitudes standards, 395

  • Employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs), 334

  • Employee-centered behavior, 293

  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 134

  • Entrepreneurial alertness, 470

  • Entrepreneurial opportunities

    • determinants of, 471f

    • downside loss, 471

    • evaluating, 470471

    • exploitation of, 472473

    • feasibility analysis, 471

    • financing, 473

    • geographical markets, 469

    • identification of, 469470

    • illusion of control, 472

    • information asymmetry, 470

    • law of small numbers, 472

    • means-ends relationships, 470

    • new products/services, 468

    • organizing, 469

    • production methods, 469

    • raw materials, 469

    • risk and, 471472

    • social networks, 470

    • testing ideas, 471

    • types of, 470t

  • Entrepreneurial risk, 471472

    • illusion of control, 472

    • law of small numbers, 472

  • Entrepreneurs

    • angel investors and, 473474

    • bank financing and, 474

    • capital sources, 473474

    • defined, 468

    • downside loss, 471

    • entrepreneurial alertness, 470

    • feasibility analysis, 471

    • identification of opportunities, 469470

    • information asymmetry, 470

    • means-ends relationships, 470

    • social networks and, 470

    • teams, 468

    • testing ideas, 471

    • venture capitalists and, 473474

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Environmental analysis

    • general environment, 155156

    • industry environment, 158159

    • internal environment, 159

    • levels of, 155, 156f

    • mission statements, 160

    • operating environment, 156

  • Environmental footprint, 3233

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, 28, 53

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 59, 6162, 225, 227

    • compliance with, 64f, 65, 68

    • settlements for noncompliance, 63f

  • Equal opportunity legislation, 225

  • Equal Pay Act of 1963, 28

  • Equity theory of motivation, 320, 322

  • ERG theory. See Alderfer’s ERG theory

  • Ethics

    • abuses, 42

    • business, 38

    • chief ethics officer position, 4041

    • codes of, 3940, 40f

    • competitive strategy, 39

    • defined, 38

    • government regulation, 39

    • human rights, 96

    • organization culture and, 376

    • productivity and, 39

    • stakeholder relations, 39

    • standards, 4142

    • training programs, 4041, 376

    • whistle-blowing, 42

  • Ethnocentrism, 57, 59, 91

  • Exception principle, 433

  • Excess capacity, 423

  • Expatriate workers, 86, 97

  • Expertise, 486487

  • Exploitation, 472473

  • Exporting, 87

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