Management Skills Exercises

Learning activities in this section are aimed at helping you develop management skills.


Facebook Positions Itself to Stay Relevant

“Facebook Positions Itself to Stay Relevant” (p. 153) and its related Chapter Summary sections were written to help you better understand the management concepts contained in this chapter. Answer the following discussion questions about the Challenge Case to better understand how strategic planning concepts can be applied in a company such as Facebook.

  1. 7-3. For Facebook’s management, is acquiring a business such as Instagram a strategic management issue? Explain.

  2. 7-4. Give three factors in Facebook’s internal environment that management should be assessing in determining the company’s organizational direction. Why are these factors important?

  3. 7-5. Using the business portfolio matrix, categorize Facebook’s recently acquired Instagram unit as a dog, question mark, star, or cash cow. From a strategic planning viewpoint, what do you recommend Facebook management do with Instagram, given this categorization? Why?

Nucor’s Strategy—Strong as Steel?

Read the case and answer the questions that follow. Studying this case will help you better understand how concepts relating to strategic planning can be applied in an organization such as Nucor Corporation.

An outsider might guess that steel is just a commodity and as such offers little room for creative management. But Nucor Corporation is an example of how innovative strategic planning can set a company apart from its competitors even in a traditional industry such as steel manufacturing.

Global competition has tested the steel industry over the past few decades in the United States. Whereas most of Nucor’s competitors focused on making their old processes more efficient, operating blast furnaces in huge steel mills, and moving work overseas as they struggled to cut costs, Nucor survived by turning to new technology, running electric arc furnaces in smaller facilities, and keeping most of its operations in North America. Instead of laying off swaths of hourly workers, Nucor streamlined the management ranks and gave decision-making authority and performance rewards to its hourly workers. The non-union workforce has contributed higher productivity, and innovation has been profitable: Over the past dozen years, Nucor’s shareholders have seen their investments generate total returns of 538 percent, more than four times the average returns for steel companies in the Standard & Poor’s stock index over the same period.

Today Nucor is the largest steel producer in the United States, running 90 businesses and 200 production facilities. Nucor’s mission statement says, “Nucor is made up of more than 20,000 teammates whose goal is to take care of our customers. We are accomplishing this by being the safest, highest quality, lowest cost, most productive and most profitable steel and steel products company in the world.” The mission statement continues by expressing the company’s commitment to society and sustainability: “We are committed to doing this while being cultural and environmental stewards in our communities where we live and work. We are succeeding by working together. Taking care of our customers means all of our customers: our employees, our shareholders and the people who purchase and use our products.”

Nucor describes itself as “North America’s largest recycler.” The company’s favored technology, electric arc furnaces, involves melting down scrap steel, the main raw material. When the cost of scrap steel rises, Nucor makes and uses direct-reduced iron (DRI). A DRI facility produces high-purity iron pellets by stripping oxygen from iron ore. Currently, melting these pellets together with scrap metal produces steel at a lower cost than using scrap metal by itself.

Deciding whether to use DRI plants or other kinds of facilities and where to locate the facilities involves a complex set of considerations. The process for making DRI pellets uses natural gas, so managers have to consider the cost of this resource. DRI plants are located where natural gas is cheapest, such as in the Middle East; as of 2009, U.S. DRI facilities had all moved overseas. But as energy companies have begun obtaining natural gas through hydraulic fracturing, the cost of natural gas has tumbled in North America, and Nucor decided to open a DRI facility in Louisiana.

The plant, costing $750 million to build, is expected to be the second largest in the world. By investing so much in this facility, Nucor’s management has committed itself to the belief that this technology will remain profitable for years to come. Of course, conditions can change, and natural gas prices might rise. To be prudent, the company signed a deal with a Canadian company called Encana Oil and Gas that makes Nucor an investment partner in one of Encana’s drilling operations. The idea is that if gas prices are high, the earnings from the drilling unit will help pay for gas to run the steel plant. That decision has its own risks; in fact, Nucor and Encana recently put drilling operations on hold because the continued low prices for natural gas made the drilling operations unprofitable.45


  1. 7-6. Why is it important for Nucor to have a mission statement? How do the strategic decisions described in this case support Nucor’s mission?

  2. 7-7. Using examples from the case, describe how Nucor’s managers can use critical question analysis to formulate a strategy.

  3. 7-8. Which of the three generic strategies identified by Porter best describes Nucor’s strategy? Explain your reasons for choosing this strategy.

Experiential Exercises

Applying Porter’s Model to Dell Inc.

Directions. Read the following scenario and then perform the listed activities. Your instructor may want you to perform the activities as an individual or within groups. Follow all of your instructor’s directions carefully.

Michael Dell, the CEO of Dell Inc., has contacted your group for consulting purposes. In particular, Dell is concerned about the current state of the personal computer industry. He would like your group to use Porter’s Model for Industry Analysis to analyze the personal computer industry. What are the most important factors affecting each of the five forces in Porter’s Model? After performing this analysis, describe the most important threat. In addition, describe whether your group finds the personal computer industry attractive.

You and Your Career

SWOT analysis represents an important tool in your strategic planning skill. Using SWOT analysis, top executives can better understand the strengths and weaknesses of their organization as well as the opportunities and threats in the external environment. Suppose you are interviewing for a position in an organization. How might SWOT analysis help you prepare for an interview? Now suppose you have just started working at an organization. How might SWOT analysis help you better understand your position and role in the organization?

Building Your Management Skills Portfolio

Your Management Skills Portfolio is a collection of activities specially designed to demonstrate your management knowledge and skill. Be sure to save your work. Taking your printed portfolio to an employment interview could be helpful in obtaining a job.

The portfolio activity for this chapter is Strategic Planning at the New York Times. Study the information and complete the exercises that follow.46

The New York Times Company is one of the most respected news organizations in the world. Although known primarily for the New York Times newspaper, the company also owns television stations, radio stations, and over 40 websites.

Despite the popularity and prestige associated with the New York Times newspaper, the company’s chairman, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., is facing a difficult operating environment. Specifically, the emergence of the Internet and forms of digital news threaten the existence of the traditional newspaper industry. As a result, the New York Times is generating lower levels of circulation; this decrease in circulation has also caused a dip in advertising. In sum, the profitability of the newspaper industry is decreasing.

Sulzberger has contacted you to help the company develop a new strategic plan. The following questions will help you apply the strategic planning process to a real scenario.

  1. 7-9. Perform an environmental analysis for the New York Times Company. Which segment of the environment is causing the company’s problem(s)?




  2. 7-10. Based on this analysis, develop a mission statement for the company. Also develop three objectives that will help the company fulfill its mission.




  3. 7-11. Review Porter’s generic strategies. Which one of these strategies would you recommend for the New York Times Company? Explain.




  4. 7-12. Which of the four strategy implementation skills do you think will be most important for the company as it moves forward? Why?




MyManagementLab : Writing Exercises

If your instructor has assigned this activity, go to for the following assignments:

Assisted Grading Questions

  1. 7-13. Describe how an organization might use the BCG Growth-Share Matrix to evaluate its different strategic business units. Now, explain how an organization might use the GE Multifactor Portfolio Matrix to evaluate its strategic business units.

  2. 7-14. Describe Porter’s generic business strategies and provide an example of each strategy.

  3. 7-15. Describe Porter’s Five Forces Model. Why do organizations use Porter’s Five Forces?

  4. 7-16. In your local newspaper or a national publication like Bloomberg Businessweek or the Wall Street Journal, choose a company featured in the news. Then, analyze the company’s actions. In your opinion, how did competitive dynamics play a role in the company’s recent behavior?

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