• Values, organization culture and, 378

  • Values analysis, 436437

  • Values statement, 378, 378f

  • Variable budgets, 430

  • Venture capitalists, 473474

  • Vertical dimensioning, 182

  • Virtual corporation, 255

    • training programs, 256

    • virtual teams, 256

    • workplace arrangements, 256257

  • Virtual office, 256

    • advantages of, 257

    • challenges of, 257

    • exercises, 260261

    • fully mobile, 257

    • home-based, 256

    • hoteling, 256

    • telecommuting, 256

    • tethered in office, 256

  • Virtual organizations, 255256

  • Virtual teams, 256

  • Virtual training, 256

  • Virtuality, 255256

  • Virtue Standard (ethics), 41

  • Vision, shared, 459

  • Vroom expectancy theory of motivation, 320

    • equation form, 322f

    • motivation strength and, 321

    • strength, 322

  • Vroom-Yetton-Jago (VYJ) model of leadership, 302, 303f

    • decision styles, 302f

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