• Data analysis, 399, 401

  • Data contamination, 401

  • Data cost, 402403

  • Decentralization, 208211, 214215

  • Decision styles, 303

    • autocratic, 302

    • consultative, 302

    • group-focused, 302

  • Decision trees, 142143

  • Decision-focused theory of leadership, 299302, 310311

  • Decision-making

    • bias, 140, 140t

    • challenge case, 132, 146147

    • choice of alternatives, 136138, 138f, 139

    • consensus, 135

    • defined, 133

    • Delphi method, 145

    • exclusion, 138

    • exploitative orientations, 136

    • goals of, 136

    • group, 143

    • heuristics, 140

    • hoarding orientations, 136

    • inclusion, 138

    • information and, 399401

    • intuition, 140

    • manager confidence in subordinates, 300

    • manager values, 300

    • managerial responsibility for, 135, 135f, 300301

    • marketing-oriented, 136

    • model, 133t, 134f, 137f

    • nonprogrammed decisions, 133134

    • paradox of choice, 138

    • personal leadership, 301

    • problem identification, 137

    • programmed decisions, 133134

    • rational, 136, 140

    • receptive orientations, 135

    • relevant alternatives, 136

    • risk and, 141

    • scope of, 134

    • solutions, 137

    • tolerance for ambiguity, 301

    • uncertainty, 141

  • Decision-making tools

  • Delegation, 206, 212213

    • continuum of, 209f

    • frame of mind, as a, 211

    • guidelines, 207t

    • obstacles to, 207208

    • steps in, 207

  • Delphi method, 118

    • decision-making, 145

    • Deming award, 497

  • Demographics, 5657

    • general environment, 156157

    • population, 56f, 80

  • Departmentalization, 184

  • Developing (innovation), 493494

  • Differentiation, 164

  • Diffusing (innovation), 494

  • Direct investing, 88

  • Direct sales home party approach, 126127

  • Directive behavior, 298

  • Disabled workers, 61

  • Discrimination, 54, 58

    • glass ceiling, 59

  • Diverse workforce

    • advantages of, 5355, 55t

    • challenges of, 56, 70

    • commitment to, 6365, 71

    • creativity, 489

    • cultural differences, 94

    • demographics, 56

    • equal opportunity legislation, 225226

    • ethnocentrism, 57

    • innovation, 55

    • management quality, 55

    • managing, 6970, 70t

    • pluralism and, 65

    • productivity, 55

    • promoting, 6162

    • training programs, 6768, 71, 73

  • Diversity

    • challenge case, 52, 71

    • controlling, 68

    • cultural, 61

    • defined, 53

    • influencing, 6768

    • majority groups, 53

    • minority groups, 53

    • organizing, 67

    • planning, 67

    • social, 53

  • Diversity dimension of organization culture, 377

  • Diversity training, 6769, 71, 73

  • Divestiture, 165

  • Division of labor, 179180, 450

  • Domain definition, 475

  • Domestic organizations, 82

  • Dominant organization culture, 369

  • Dual-career couples, 16, 18

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