
  1. 1. Adam Bryant, “The Phones Are Out, but the Robot Is In,” New York Times, April 7, 2012, http://www.nytimes.com.

  2. 2. Ibid.; Arik Hesseldahl, “Seven Questions for Evernote CEO Phil Libin,” All Things D, December 1, 2013, http://allthingsd.com; Jennifer Wang, “The Empowering Force,” Entrepreneur (March 2013): 60; Chris O’Brien, “How I Made It: Evernote CEO Phil Libin,” Los Angeles Times, August 2, 2013, http://articles.latimes.com; Ryan Tate, “Evernote Wants to Become the Nike for Your Brain: 10 Questions with CEO Phil Libin,” Wired, July 29, 2013, http://www.wired.com; Casey Newton, “A Backpack to Remember: Can Evernote Become a Lifestyle Company?” The Verge, September 2013, http://www.theverge.com; Evernote, “About Us,” http://evernote.com/corp, accessed March 25, 2014.

  3. 3. For an article describing why some managers prefer certain influence tactics, see: H. Steensma, “Why Managers Prefer Some Influence Tactics to Other Tactics: A Net Utility Explanation,” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 80 (2007): 355.

  4. 4. Writankar Mukherjee, “Five Ways to Master the Art of Influencing People,” The Economic Times (Online), July 16, 2011.

  5. 5. For an article describing the most effective influencing tactics, see: Joyce Leong, Michael Bond, and Ping Ping Fu, “Perceived Effectiveness of Influence Strategies among Hong Kong Managers,” Asia Pacific Journal of Management 24 (2007): 75–97.

  6. 6. Daniel Goleman, “Leadership That Gets Results,” Harvard Business Review (March–April 2000): 78–90; Bano Fakhra Batool, “Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership,” Journal of Business Studies Quarterly 4, no. 3 (March 2013): 84–94.

  7. 7. Rachel Feintzeig, “Office ‘Influencers’ Are in High Demand,” Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2014, http://online.wsj.com; Bill Roberts, “Unearthing Hidden Gems: Identify Unexpected Influencers in Your Organization with Social Network Analysis,” HR Magazine, January 2014, Business Insights: Global, http://bi.galegroup.com; Lili Duan, Emily Sheeren, and Leigh M. Weiss, “Tapping the Power of Hidden Influencers,” McKinsey Quarterly, March 2014, http://www.mckinsey.com.

  8. 8. Joseph Rode et al., “Emotional Intelligence and Individual Performance: Evidence of Direct and Moderated Effects,” Journal of Organizational Behavior 28 (2007): 399–421.

  9. 9. Nick Tasler and Travis Bradberry, “Emotional Intelligence: Skills Worth Learning,” Bloomberg Businessweek, March 27, 2009, http://www.businessweek.com.

  10. 10. “Why Emotional Intelligence Matters at Work,” Work & Family Life 17, no. 4 (April 2003): 4.

  11. 11. Kristi Casey Sanders, “What’s Your EQ?” PlanYourMeetings.com , August 23, 2009.

  12. 12. For more on positive psychological capital, see: James B. Avey, Fred Luthans, and Carolyn M. Youssef, “The Additive Value of Positive Psychological Capital in Predicting Work Attitudes and Behaviors,” Journal of Management 36, no. 2 (March 2010): 430–452.

  13. 13. For discussion of the importance of communication, see: Terrence Coan, “Communication: The Key to Success,” Information Management Journal (May/June 2002): 1.

  14. 14. For discussion of communication techniques that are valuable for building organizational commitment, see: Mary Bambacas and Maraget Patrickson, “Interpersonal Communication Skills That Enhance Organizational Commitment,” Journal of Communication Management 12, no. 1 (2008): 51–72; For a discussion of communication techniques that are useful in selling situations, see: “The Elements of Effective Communication,” Agency Sales 30, no. 12 (December 2000): 45–46.

  15. 15. For an article describing the most important aspects of effective communication, see: Donald English, Edgar Manton, and Janet Walker, “Human Resource Managers’ Perception of Selected Communication Competencies,” Education 127 (2007): 410–419; Kuang-Peng Hung and Chung-Kuang Lin, “More Communication Is Not Always Better? The Interplay Between Effective Communication and Interpersonal Conflict in Influencing Satisfaction,” Industrial Marketing Management 42, no. 8 (November 2013): 1223.

  16. 16. This section is based on the following classic article on interpersonal communication: Wilbur Schramm, “How Communication Works,” in Wilbur Schramm, ed., The Process and Effects of Mass Communication (Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 1954), 3–10. For an innovative assignment on communication, see: Karl L. Smart and Richard Featheringham, “Developing Effective Interpersonal Communication and Discussion Skills,” Business Communication Quarterly 69 (2006): 276–283.

  17. 17. For more information regarding the elements of interpersonal communication, see: Phyl Johnson, “Handbook of Interpersonal Communication,” Organization Studies 24 (2003): 989.

  18. 18. David S. Brown, “Barriers to Successful Communication: Part I, Macrobarriers,” Management Review (December 1975): 24–29. For an interesting discussion of culture and language as macrobarriers, see: Vesa Peltokorpi and Lisbeth Clausen, “Linguistic and Cultural Barriers to Intercultural Communication in Foreign Subsidiaries,” Asian Business & Management 10, no. 4 (November 2011): 509–528.

  19. 19. James K. Weekly and Raj Aggarwal, International Business: Operating in the Global Economy (New York: Dryden Press, 1987).

  20. 20. Michael D. Shear, “White House Revamps Communication Strategy,” Washington Post, February 15, 2010, http://www.washingtonpost.com. See also: “Nissan Motor Company Strengthens Brand Power in New Multi-Year Agreement with Omnicom Group: Agreement Provides Marketing Communications Strategy across Company’s Global Footprint,” PR Newswire [New York], October 3, 2013.

  21. 21. Jerry Connor, Yi Min, and Ranjani Iyengar, “When East Meets West,” T + D (April 2013): 55–59; Mark Milotich and Waseem Hussain, “The Message Is Clear,” PM Network, March 2014, EBSCOhost, http://web.a.ebscohost.com; Tsedal Neeley, “Global Team Leaders Must Deliberately Create ‘Moments,’” Harvard Business Review, March 22, 2012, http://blogs.hbr.org.

  22. 22. For an interesting case study describing communication skills within the global arena, see: Sabine Jaccaud and Bill Quirke, “Structuring Global Communication to Improve Efficiency,” Strategic Communication Management 10 (2006): 18–21.

  23. 23. Davis S. Brown, “Barriers to Successful Communication: Part II, Microbarriers,” Management Review (January 1976): 15–21. For study results showing implications for e-mail as a communication microbarrier, see: Norman Frohlich and Joe Oppenheimer, “Some Consequences of E-Mail vs. Face-to-Face Communication in Experiment,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 35, no. 3 (April 15, 1998): 389–403.

  24. 24. Sally Bulkley Pancrazio and James J. Pancrazio, “Better Communication for Managers,” Supervisory Management (June 1981): 31–37. See also: John S. Fielden, “Why Can’t Managers Communicate?” Business 39 (January/February/March 1989): 41–44.

  25. 25. This figure is based on Loriann Roberson and Carol T. Kulik, “Stereotype Threat at Work,” Academy of Management Perspectives 21, no. 2 (May 2007); 28–29.

  26. 26. Kris Dunn, “The Five Biggest Lies in HR,” Workforce Management, March 2010, http://www.workforce.com.

  27. 27. Lydia Strong, “Do You Know How to Listen?” in M. Joseph Dooher and Vivienne Marquis, eds., Effective Communications on the Job (New York: American Management Association, 1956), 28.

  28. 28. Robert E. Callahan, C. Patrick Fleenor, and Harry R. Knudson, Understanding Organizational Behavior: A Managerial Viewpoint (Columbus, OH: Charles E. Merrill, 1986). For a discussion of the process of generating feedback, see: Elizabeth Wolfe Morrison and Robert J. Bies, “Impression Management in the Feedback-Seeking Process: Literature Review and Research Agenda,” Academy of Management Review (July 1991): 522–541.

  29. 29. For more on nonverbal issues, see: Paul Preston, “Nonverbal Communication: Do You Really Say What You Mean?” Journal of Healthcare Management 50, no. 2 (March/April 2005): 83–86.

  30. 30. For a study demonstrating the importance of feedback format, see: L. Atwater and J. Brett, “Feedback Format: Does It Influence Manager’s Reactions to Feedback?” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 79 (2006): 517.

  31. 31. B&H, “Focus at B&H: The Customer’s Experience,” http://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/HelpCenter/AboutUs.jsp, accessed May 21, 2012; B&H, “Help Center,” http://www.bhphotovideo.com/find/HelpCenter/NYSuperStore08.jsp, accessed May 21, 2012; Paul Kerr, “Communication That Resonates,” February 2012, http://www.purdue.edu/hr/LeadingEdition/Ledi_0212_communication.html, accessed May 21, 2012.

  32. 32. Reprinted by permission of the publisher from “Ten Commandments of Good Communication,” by American Management Association AMA-COM et al., from Management Review (October 1955). © 1955 American Management Association, Inc. All rights reserved. See also: Robb Ware, “Communication Problems,” Journal of Systems Management (September 1991): 20; “Communicating: Face-to-Face,” Agency Sales Magazine (January 1994): 22–23.

  33. 33. Ted Pollock, “Mind Your Own Business,” Supervision (May 1994): 24–26; Joseph R. Bainbridge, “Joint Communication: Verbal and Nonverbal,” Army Logistician 30, no. 4 (July/August): 40–42.

  34. 34. Rene Shimada Siegel, “The Lost Art of Eye Contact,” Inc., February 26, 2013, http://www.inc.com; Sue Shellenbarger, “Just Look Me in the Eye Already,” Wall Street Journal, May 28, 2013, http://online.wsj.com; “Eyes Have It in Job Interview,” Chicago Tribune, August 5, 2013, http://articles.chicagotribune.com; Jessica Grose, “Look Away!” Bloomberg Businessweek, October 21, 2013, EBSCOhost, http://web.a.ebscohost.com; John Ericson, “You Lookin’ at Me?” Newsweek Global, October 11, 2013, EBSCOhost, http://web.a.ebscohost.com.

  35. 35. Paul Preston, “Nonverbal Communication: Do You Really Say What You Mean?” Journal of Healthcare Management 50 (2005): 83–86.

  36. 36. For a practical article emphasizing the role of gestures in communication, see: S. D. Gladis, “Notes Are Not Enough,” Training and Development Journal (August 1985): 35–38. See also: Nicole Steckler and Robert Rosenthal, “Sex Differences in Nonverbal and Verbal Communication with Bosses, Peers, and Subordinates,” Journal of Applied Psychology (February 1985): 157–163; W. Alan Randolph, Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior (Homewood, IL: Richard D. Irwin, 1985), 349–350; Karen O. Down and Jeanne Liedtka, “What Corporations Seek in MBA Hires: A Survey,” Selections (Winter 1994): 34–39.

  37. 37. Gerald M. Goldhaber, Organizational Communication (Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown, 1983). For a discussion on the important role of organizational communication within a corporation, see: Bauke Visser, “Organizational Communication Structure and Performance,” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 42, no. 2 (June 2000): 231–252.

  38. 38. For an article that describes how employees perceive different types of organizational communication, see: Zinta S. Byrne and Elaine LeMay, “Different Media for Organizational Communication: Perceptions of Quality and Satisfaction,” Journal of Business and Psychology 21 (2006): 149–173.

  39. 39. Kenneth R. Van Voorhis, “Organizational Communication: Advances Made During the Period from World War II Through the 1950s,” Journal of Business Communication 11 (1974): 11–18.

  40. 40. Paul Preston, “The Critical ‘Mix’ in Managerial Communications,” Industrial Management (March/April 1976): 5–9. For a discussion of implementing organizational communication that reflects a worldwide structure, see: “Iridium Delays Full Start of Global System,” New York Times, September 10, 1998, C6.

  41. 41. Company website, “Boost Sales Effectiveness via Internet Podcasting,” http://www.mobilecastmedia.com, accessed May 19, 2010.

  42. 42. For a discussion of how to communicate failures upward in an organization, see: Jay T. Knippen, Thad B. Green, and Kurt Sutton, “How to Communicate Failures to Your Boss,” Supervisory Management (September 1991): 10.

  43. 43. For an article stressing the importance of upward and downward communication for managers, see: W. H. Weiss, “Communications: Key to Successful Supervision,” Supervision 59, no. 9 (September 1998): 12–14.

  44. 44. William V. Haney, “Serial Communication of Information in Organizations,” in Sidney Mailick and Edward H. Van Ness, eds., Concepts and Issues in Administrative Behavior (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1962), 150. For a discussion involving implications of off-site patterns of communication, see: Robert M. Egan, Wendy Miles, John R. Birstler, and Margaret Klayton-Mi, “Can the Rift Between Allison and Penny Be Mended?” Harvard Business Review 76, no. 4 (July/August 1998): 28–35.

  45. 45. Alex Bavelas and Dermot Barrett, “An Experimental Approach to Organizational Communication,” Personnel 27 (1951): 366–371.

  46. 46. Polly LaBarre, “The Other Network,” Industry Week (September 19, 1994): 33–36.

  47. 47. For an article describing how to assess the existence of informal organizational communication, see: R. Guimera, L. Danon, A. Diaz-Guilera, F. Giralt, and A. Arenas, “The Real Communication Network Behind the Formal Chart: Community Structure in Organizations,” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 61 (2006): 653–667.

  48. 48. “Recession Ripening the Office Grapevine? Three Communication Tips to Keep Employees on Track,” Business Management Daily, August 13, 2009, http://www.businessmanagementdaily.com.

  49. 49. “Steelcase Workplace Index Survey Examines ‘Water Cooler’ Conversations at Work: Study Confirms Gossip Is Here to Stay, Which May Benefit Employers,” PR Newswire, August 9, 2007.

  50. 50. George de Mare, “Communicating: The Key to Establishing Good Working Relationships,” Price Waterhouse Review 33 (1989): 30–37; Stanley J. Modic, “Grapevine Rated Most Believable,” Industry Week (May 15, 1989): 11, 14.

  51. 51. Keith Davis, “Management Communication and the Grapevine,” Harvard Business Review (January/February 1953): 43–49.

  52. 52. Linda McCallister, “The Interpersonal Side of Internal Communications,” Public Relations Journal (February 1981): 20–23. See also: Joseph M. Putti, Samuel Aryee, and Joseph Phua, “Communication Relationship Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment,” Group and Organizational Studies 15 (March 1990): 44–52.

  53. 53. Ali Carruthers, “Listening to Company Stakeholders at McDonald’s Restaurants,” The Business Communicator 6, no. 4 (September 2005): 8–9.

  54. 54. D. Keith Denton, “Creating Trust,” Organization Development Journal, December 1, 2009, http://findarticles.com.

  55. 55. www.glimcher.com; Elaine Misonzhnik, “Holding Pattern,” National Real Estate Investor (January/February 2012): 14; Mark Scott, “Regaining Control,” Smart Business Cleveland (July 2011): 54–56.

  56. 56. This highlight is based on Jane Read, “Are We Losing the Personal Touch?” British Journal of Administrative Management (April/May 2007): 22–23.

  57. 57. This skills portfolio exercise draws from www.ericsson.com; Per Zetterquist and Bill Quirke, “Transforming Internal Communication at Ericsson,” Strategic Communication Management 11, no. 1 (December 2006/January, 2007): 18–21.

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