Management Skills Exercises

Learning activities in this section are aimed at helping you develop management skills.


Better Production Planning Saves Money for 3M

“Better Production Planning Saves Money for 3M” (p. 416) and its related Challenge Case Summary were written to help you better understand the management concepts contained in this chapter. Answer the following discussion questions about the Challenge Case to explore how your understanding of production and control can be applied in a company such as 3M.

  1. 18-4. Why is 3M Company attempting to raise its productivity? From your knowledge of how products are manufactured, in what other ways do you think 3M could increase its productivity?

  2. 18-5. List three concepts discussed in this chapter that could help 3M’s management increase productivity. Be sure to explain how each concept could help.

  3. 18-6. Which concept listed in question 2 do you think would have the greatest impact on increasing productivity? Explain fully.

How Michael’s on East Maintains Cost Controls

Read the case and answer the questions that follow. Studying this case will help you better understand how concepts relating to cost controls can be applied in a company such as Michael’s on East.

Just as the recent recession impacted many consumers’ wallets, it also directly affected the businesses that rely on the discretionary income of those very consumers. The restaurant industry has certainly been no exception. Americans curbed their penchant for dining out or traded down to lower-priced restaurant options. For higher-end restaurants, the loss of business has been devastating.

Enter Al Massa.

Massa is executive chef of the Florida-based restaurant Michael’s on East. Menu items include veal chops, racks of lamb, Cornish game hens, filet mignon, lobster, salmon, sea bass, and swordfish. The elegant dining room, complete with piano bar, has become known as Sarasota, Florida’s “gastronomic sanctuary.”52 It is a place to enjoy a fine dinner with an equally fine glass of wine.

But Massa had a difficult challenge on his hands: maintaining a high-quality menu of offerings while controlling rising costs. It was not easy. Loyal customers of the restaurant had come to expect a certain degree of excellence in the menu but were reluctant to continue paying the prices they had in previous years. Slashing prices, however, was not the answer. And sacrificing the quality of ingredients was also not an option. “The idea isn’t to just cut costs, it’s to build sales,” Massa said.53

The true difficulty lay in crafting a menu that exhibited quality but was still sensitive to the cost concerns of restaurant patrons. In the fast-food industry, 99-cent and dollar menus have become a mainstay for value-conscious consumers. Although it would not have been prudent for Michael’s on East to offer one-dollar steaks and lobsters, it could still borrow from the fast-food industry’s pricing strategies. “We took a value approach to combat food costs,” said Massa. A few years ago, the restaurant offered a three-course dinner for $25 and a two-course lunch for $15. “It was so successful,” Massa said, “that we made it a regular part of our operation.” The first summer Michael’s on East attempted this strategy, it sold 2,000 more meals than it had the previous summer.54

Another way Massa is controlling his costs is through portion size. “Instead of serving our normal eight- to nine-ounce slab of swordfish, we’ll do six ounces, cut into medallions,” he said.55 When served, customers don’t notice the very slight difference in the size of the entrée.

Even the curried chicken—a best seller at the restaurant—has received Massa’s cost-trimming attention. For Michael’s on East, the chicken costs the restaurant only $2 to serve, but by pairing it with delicious but lower-cost side dishes, the profit margin increases. “If we can sell 120 of those at a food cost of 25 percent,” Massa calculated, “that’s how we’re going about reducing our food cost—by having some of our lead sellers be our value menu selections.”56

Traditional menu items such as steak have also been carefully reevaluated. When Massa realized that the restaurant could not cut portion size or price, he devised the unique compromise of offering just the steak with no sides. Called simply “steak on a plate,” if a customer wants a baked potato or other side, he or she can purchase it à la carte. “We worried customers would balk at not getting their potato and vegetable, but they didn’t skip a beat.”57

It would probably have been easier to gradually slash menu prices by 10 or even 20 percent and try to make up the lost profit margin through increased volume. But restaurants such as Michaels on East have a particular image to uphold, and a drastic drop in price sometimes conveys a loss of quality in the mind of the customer. Massa also could have opted for cheaper ingredients and lesser-quality steaks and fish, but patrons very likely would have detected the difference. Instead, Massa’s approach of maintaining very high-quality raw ingredients and combining them with a value approach to the menu has enabled the restaurant to continue its success in a tough economic climate.


  1. 18-7. How would you evaluate Massa’s cost control strategies?

  2. 18-8. What potential challenges do you see in Massa’s cost control strategies? How would you recommend overcoming those challenges?

  3. 18-9. If you were Massa, what other cost controls would you try to implement?

Experiential Exercises

Defining Management by Exception

Directions. Read the following scenario and then perform the listed activities. Your instructor may want you to perform the activities as an individual or within groups. Follow all of your instructor’s directions carefully.

The owner of a small business in your community has contacted your group for help with his organization. The owner recently encountered the term management by exception in a magazine article, but he is not sure what it means or how organizations implement this practice. Your assignment involves searching the Internet for examples of how companies implement management by exception. Prepare a five-minute presentation that defines this term and includes examples of how organizations use management by exception.

You and Your Career

This chapter highlights the role of productivity—the relationship between outputs produced and the inputs needed to produce them—in determining organizational success. Given the importance of productivity, organizations continuously strive to hire productive employees. In addition, when facing difficult choices about laying off workers, organizations seek to retain their most productive employees. Given the importance of this topic, then, it will be important for you to stress to future employers your productivity. Think about your current job (or a past job). How would you define productivity in this job? Would you describe yourself as “productive” in that job? Why or why not? Can you identify any factors that help or diminish your productivity? Explain how this experience might improve your productivity in future jobs.

Building Your Management Skills Portfolio

Your Management Skills Portfolio is a collection of activities specially designed to demonstrate your management knowledge and skill. Be sure to save your work. Taking your printed portfolio to an employment interview could be helpful in obtaining a job.

The portfolio activity for this chapter is Improving Production and Control at Nissan. Study the information and complete the exercises that follow.

In recent years, Nissan—a car manufacturer based in Japan—has established a positive reputation with respect to the quality of its cars. Much of this reputation is based on the company’s CEO, Carlos Ghosn, and the strategies and tactics he has employed as the CEO. Ghosn is largely responsible for the improved reputation of both Nissan and Infiniti, which is one of Nissan’s subsidiaries.

Ghosn believes strongly that a significant factor in the company’s success is its production and control processes. In fact, he believes so strongly in this idea that he plans to distribute to all new employees a 500-word memo highlighting the benefits of Nissan’s production and control processes. As Ghosn’s personal assistant, your task is to prepare a first draft of this memo. This memo should include an overview of the importance of productivity and quality and the relationship between these two concepts. In addition, the memo should contain brief descriptions of some techniques that Nissan might use to increase quality.

Remember that the audience for this memo—new employees—knows little about production and control. Your task is to communicate these ideas in a way that this audience will understand.




MyManagementLab : Writing Exercises

If your instructor has assigned this activity, go to for the following assignments:

Assisted Grading Questions

  1. 18-10. Describe the advantages and disadvantages associated with just-in-time inventory control.

  2. 18-11. What is operations management?

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