• Fayol’s guidelines, 177f

  • Feasibility analysis, 471

  • Feedback

    • behavior modification, 332

    • verbal/nonverbal, 275

  • The Fifth Discipline (Senge), 458

  • Five Forces Model, 158, 159f

  • Fixed-position layout, 425

  • Flextime, 330, 335

    • advantages/disadvantages of, 331, 331t

  • Focus, 164

  • Forcing, 254255

  • Forecasting

  • Formal groups, 344

    • acceptance stage, 348

    • command groups, 345

    • committees, 345347

    • communication and decision-making stage, 348

    • example, 345f

    • group control stage, 348

    • group solidarity stage, 348

    • stages of, 348349

    • task groups, 345

    • work teams, 345, 348

  • Formal organizational communications, 283

  • Formal structure, 181

  • Franchising, 79

  • Functional authority, 205, 212

  • Functional similarity method, 200

    • activities for, 200f

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