• Nadella, Satya, 176

  • Nardelli, Robert R., 4

  • National Association of Parents of the Visually Impaired Children in Israel, 477

  • Nationwide Insurance, 14

  • Natura Cosmetics, 491t

  • NBC, 505

  • Nestlé, 95

  • Netflix, 469, 493494, 495f

  • NetSuite OneWorld, 134

  • New York Jets, 339

  • New York Mets, 472

  • New York Passport Agency, 7

  • New York Times, 172

  • New York Yankees, 321

  • Newman, William H., 207

  • Newton PDA, 475

  • NIC Components Corp., 82

  • Nike, 29, 96, 113t, 164, 504

  • Nintendo, 290, 310312, 470t

  • Nissan, 40, 441

  • Norris, William, 27

  • Novak, David, 184, 361

  • Nu Horizons, 82

  • Nucor Corporation, 171172, 183184

  • Numerica Credit Union, 343344, 359361

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