Class Preparation and Personal Study

To help you prepare for class, perform the activities outlined in this section. Performing these activities will help you to significantly enhance your classroom performance.

Reflecting on Target Skill

On page 444, this appendix opens by presenting a target management skill along with a list of related objectives outlining knowledge and understanding that you should aim to acquire related to that skill. Review this target skill and the list of objectives to make sure that you’ve acquired all pertinent information within the appendix. If you do not feel that you’ve reached a particular objective(s), study related appendix coverage until you do.

Know Key Terms

Understanding the following key terms is critical to your understanding of appendix material. Define each of these terms. Refer to the page(s) referenced after a term to check your definition or to gain further insight regarding the term.

  1. classical approach to management 446

  2. scientific management 447

  3. motion study 448

  4. behavioral approach to management 451

  5. human relations movement 453

  6. human relations skill 453

  7. management science approach 454

  8. contingency approach to management 455

  9. system approach to management 456

  10. system 456

  11. closed system 456

  12. open system 456

  13. management system 456

  14. triangular management 457

  15. learning organization 458

Know How Management Concepts Relate

This section comprises activities that will further sharpen your understanding of management concepts. Answer these essay questions as completely as possible.

  1. A1-1. How will you be able to use the classical approach to management in your job as a manager?

  2. A1-2. How does Henri Fayol’s contribution to management differ from the contributions of Frank and Lillian Gilbreth?

  3. A1-3. Discuss the triangular management model as a tool for organizing how a manager should think about the management process.

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