• Hackathons, 493

  • Hacking, 493

  • Hawthorne Studies, 453

    • bank wiring observation room experiment, 452

    • relay assembly test room experiments, 452

  • Herzberg’s hygiene factors and motivators, 329t

  • Heuristics, 140

  • Hierarchy culture, 372, 373f

  • Highway Safety Act of 1978, 28

  • Homans Model, 352f

  • Horizontal dimensioning, 184

  • Host-country nationals, 86

  • Hoteling, 256

  • House of Cards (television show), 493

  • Human capital, 62

  • Human relations movement, 453

  • Human relations skill, 453

  • Human Resource Development (Donaldson and Scannell), 69

  • Human resource inventory, 221

    • management inventory card, 221222, 222f

    • management manpower replacement chart, 222, 223f

    • position replacement form, 222, 223f

    • succession planning, 224

  • Human resources, 7

    • appropriate, 220

    • budgetary control, 430

    • challenge case, 219, 233234, 257259

    • defined, 426

    • development of, 220f

    • equal opportunity legislation, 225

    • inappropriate, 220

    • international organizations, 225

    • job design, 327328, 427

    • labor force planning, 426427

    • motion-study techniques, 427

    • performance appraisals, 231233

    • record-keeping devices, 221223

    • recruitment, 220221

    • selection, 226227

    • sources of, 221, 224

    • strategies for, 426

    • training programs, 227231, 431

    • work measurement methods, 427

    • work methods analysis, 427

  • Human rights, 96

  • Human skills, 1011

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