Management Skills Exercises

Learning activities in this section are aimed at helping you develop your organizing skills.


Microsoft Tries to Program Unity with Its New Structure

“Microsoft Tries to Program Unity with Its New Structure” (p. 176) and its related Challenge Case Summary were written to help you understand the organizing concepts contained in this chapter. Answer the following discussion questions about the Challenge Case to explore how basic organization principles can be applied in a company such as Microsoft.

  1. 8-3. Does it seem reasonable that Satya Nadella and his leadership team were attempting to reorganize Microsoft to make it more competitive? Explain.

  2. 8-4. List five questions that Nadella should have asked himself in exploring how best to reorganize Microsoft.

  3. 8-5. Explain why it would be important for Nadella to ask each of the questions you listed.

Shutterstock’s Image of a Great Organization

Read the case and answer the questions that follow. Studying this case will help you better understand how concepts relating to organizational structure can be applied in a company such as Shutterstock.

The idea for Shutterstock came from founder Jon Oringer’s experience as a “serial entrepreneur.” 55 Oringer saw that prospects are much likelier to look at information about a company if stories about it include pictures, but buying professional photographs is expensive for a start-up. One stock image could cost hundreds of dollars. Oringer thought that if he could make photographs easy and affordable to buy online, the volume of sales could make an attractive market for buyers and sellers alike.

Oringer got started on his own. He bought a camera, took 100,000 photos, and chose 30,000 to upload into an online database. He sold customers $49 subscriptions for the right to use any of the photos. Even with his limited photography skill, Oringer soon had a growing business. He began signing up professional photographers, eventually building his database to contain more than 32 million images, including illustrations and videos. Now the standard subscription rate is $249 for the right to use up to 25 images a month, with extensive users paying more. Even with the higher prices, Shutterstock boasts about half a million users. The cost is still a bargain compared with other art/photograph sources, and the volume of sales has generated a comfortable living for many of the artists and photographers who work with Shutterstock. Being online has helped Shutterstock build an international customer base, and it now operates in 14 languages and obtains work from 100 countries.

To serve the growing demand, Shutterstock hired software engineers to build the system’s capabilities and then hired specialists in support functions. (The photographers are not employees but have contracts with Shutterstock and may sell their work to other agencies as well.) Although Shutterstock’s growth strategy focuses on automation, the company has grown to include more than 200 employees.

To handle the growth, Oringer has had to figure out how to organize the company. The company’s basic structure involves functional divisions such as products, marketing, technology, and finance. About two-fifths of the staff work on either the technology or the product line. For example, engineering employees figure out new ways for users to search the database—say, generating results by color. Product-focused employees include reviewers of submitted photos; only approved images go on the site. Each division has its own objectives to meet and functions independently.

With a functional structure, coordination is especially important because employees in different functions may not share the same outlook. Once a year, Shutterstock brings employees together in 24-hour hackathons to develop new product ideas. The idea of a hackathon is to be resourceful and pull an idea together quickly; teams of employees all present their ideas (in just two minutes per team), and managers select the best ones for possible development. Although this kind of activity is traditionally associated with programmers and software engineers, the teams include employees from different divisions, and nontechnical employees find that they have valuable ideas to share. For example, in a recent hackathon, the senior manager of business development saw that she could contribute an understanding of business needs while her team members focused on the software.

So far, the structure is working for Shutterstock. The company is growing quickly, began selling stock to the public in 2012, and has posted profits above $30 million. A key question will be whether the structure needs tweaking as Shutterstock’s horizons continue to widen. 56


  1. 8-6. Do you feel that a functional departmentalization structure is best for Shutterstock? Why or why not?

  2. 8-7. How might continuing growth affect the choice of the best organizational structure for Shutterstock?

  3. 8-8. Besides running hackathons, what else should Shutterstock’s managers consider for maintaining coordination among departments and employees?

Experiential Exercises

Frogs of the World

Directions. Read the following scenario and then perform the listed activities. Your instructor may ask you to perform the activities as an individual or within groups. Follow all of your instructor’s directions carefully.

Your company, Frogs of the World, has been manufacturing and selling plastic toy frogs for more than 15 years. Overall, the company has been successful and has become a market leader in the toy industry. Exploring the introduction of a new product, top management has just decided to begin manufacturing and selling a paper frog that hops. Mr. Hopper is the name of the new product. Your instructor will distribute design specifications for producing Mr. Hopper.

Top management has informed your group that it will immediately begin manufacturing Mr. Hopper. The department will include only the people in your group. At some point, your instructor will appoint a leader for your group, give each member the raw materials needed to produce Mr. Hopper, and instruct you to begin the production process.

Your team will be judged by the number and quality of the Mr. Hoppers that you produce.

You and Your Career

The preceding section discusses vertical dimensioning, an important aspect of organizing skill. Assume that you are interviewing with a company for a potential job. Given your major, the classes you have taken so far, and your general interests, how might the vertical characteristics of the organization with which you are interviewing influence your career prospects and projected overall job satisfaction if you work within the organization? Should you find out the vertical characteristics of the organization structure of a potential employer before you start working for the company? Why or why not?

Building Your Management Skills Portfolio

Your Management Skills Portfolio is a collection of activities specially designed to demonstrate your management knowledge and skill. Be sure to save your work. Taking your printed portfolio to an employment interview could be helpful in obtaining a job.

The portfolio activity for this chapter is Organizing Skill: Examining Organization Charts. Search the Internet for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services organizational chart and then answer the questions that follow.

  1. 8-9. Is the organization chart of the Department of Health and Human Services based mainly on function, product, geography, or customer? Argue why this basis might be appropriate for its tasks.



  2. 8-10. Does this organization chart reflect a division of labor emphasis? Explain.



  3. 8-11. Give an illustration of how coordination is important to the success of the Department of Health and Human Services.



  4. 8-12. Present an argument discussing why the span of management for the secretary is appropriate or inappropriate.



MyManagementLab: Writing Exercises

If your instructor has assigned this activity, go to for the following assignments:

Assisted Grading Questions

  1. 8-13. Describe the fundamental components of the organizing process. In your opinion, which of these components is most important? Which is least important? Explain.

  2. 8-14. Compare and contrast the various types of departmentalization. In your opinion, which type of departmentalization is best?

  3. 8-15. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages associated with the concept of division of labor. How is the concept of span of management related to division of labor?

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