Class Preparation and Personal Study

To help you to prepare for class, perform the activities outlined in this section. Performing these activities will help ou to significantly enhance your classroom performance.

Reflecting on Target Skill

On page 289, this chapter opens by presenting a target management skill along with a list of related objectives outlining knowledge and understanding that you should aim to acquire related to that skill. Review this target skill and the list of objectives to make sure that you’ve acquired all pertinent information within the chapter. If you do not feel that you’ve reached a particular objective(s), study related chapter coverage until you do.

Know Key Terms

Understanding the following key terms is critical to your preparing for class. Define each of these terms. Refer to the page(s) referenced after a term to check your definition or to gain further insight regarding the term.

  1. leadership 291

  2. trait approach to leadership 292

  3. structure behavior 292

  4. consideration behavior 293

  5. leadership style 293

  6. job-centered behavior 293

  7. employee-centered behavior 293

  8. situational approach to leadership 294

  9. life cycle theory of leadership 295

  10. leader flexibility 296

  11. contingency theory of leadership 296

  12. leader–member relations 296

  13. task structure 296

  14. position power 296

  15. path–goal theory of leadership 298

  16. directive behavior 298

  17. supportive behavior 298

  18. participative behavior 298

  19. achievement behavior 298

  20. Vroom–Yetton–Jago (VYJ) model of leadership 302

  21. transformational leadership 303

  22. coaching 304

  23. servant leadership 306

  24. Level 5 leadership 308

  25. personal humility 308

  26. professional will 308

  27. authentic leadership 308

  28. moral courage 309

Know How Management Concepts Relate

This section comprises activities that will further sharpen your understanding of management concepts. Answer essay questions as completely as possible.

  1. 13-1. Is it important for you as a manager to understand the difference between leadership and management? Explain fully.

  2. 13-2. Draw and explain the life cycle or why not?

  3. 13-3. Would it be easy for you to be a “servant leader”? Why or why not?

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