Running a map from the Launcher

The final recipe in this chapter will cover how you may access the Pure Gamemode version of My_Level from the Launcher.

Getting ready

You must have a map with a working spawn point (otherwise you will spawn at 0,0,0), that has been exported from the engine with a functional level.pak.

The level must also be inside your Build folder.

How to do it...

  1. From Windows Explorer, open either ...Bin32 or ...Bin64.
  2. Launch the executable Launcher.exe.
  3. Open the console (~).
  4. Type the following: map My_level.
  5. Then press Enter.

This will load the map as well as spawn you in the spawn point that was provided.

See also

  • The Starting up the CryENGINE 3 Sandbox recipe
  • The Essential game objects recipe
  • The Saving your level recipe
  • The Exporting to an engine recipe
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