Generating the AI navigation

Even though you've placed an AI down on your level, the AI may not react to the player's presence when going into game mode. For that to happen, the AI needs some sort of Navigation for it to trigger its basic states. This recipe will show you how to generate the AI navigation.

Getting ready

  • Before we begin, you must have Sandbox 3 open
  • Then open My_Level.cry

How to do it...

  1. On the top main toolbar, click AI | Generate All Navigation.

How it works...

As simple as this is, this step is essential for working with AI, due to the fact that this recipe needs to be repeated every time there is a change in the AI's navigation such as modifications to forbidden areas, forbidden boundaries, cover spots, smart objects, interior navigation, and so on. With that said, get used to regenerating the AI's navigation a lot.

There's more...

You can generate the AI triangulation by clicking on AI | Generate Triangulation.

Generating AI triangulation

This method of generating the AI navigation will only update the triangulation made on the terrain and interior navigation. If you are updating only the forbidden areas or boundaries, this generation may speed up the processing time of generating the AI navigation (especially if you might be working with 3D volume navigation alongside it).

See also

  • The Forbidden boundaries recipe
  • The Forbidden areas recipe
  • The Setting up the Interior Navigation recipe
  • The Using the interior AI navigation points recipe
  • The Debugging the AI triangulation recipe
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