Basic material setup in 3ds

Before using textures and the advanced shading on objects, the CryENGINE needs the object to have a material ready to be read by the engine. These materials are stored as .MTL files.

In this recipe, you will learn how to create a material using 3ds Max and translate that material's information into an MTL file.

Getting ready

In this example, we will create a material for a basic prop with a texture and collision. To begin, open 3ds.

How to do it...

Let's set up our material for export to the engine:

  1. Open the Material Editor in 3ds Max by pressing the keyboard shortcut M.
  2. Create a new Multi/Sub-Object material in the first material slot by clicking the Standard button.
    How to do it...
  3. Select Multi/Sub-Object from the dialog that opens.
  4. Next, set the number of sub materials to two by clicking the Set Number button in the newly created material.


    CryENGINE 3 supports up to 32 sub materials; however, every sub-material that is rendered will add to the overall draw call count of the asset. For the best performance keep the number of sub-materials low.

    We should give the material and all sub-materials appropriate names. As and when we create the .MTL file, these names will be transferred and used by the engine.


    The name of the material that you assign to an object in 3ds Max must be the same as the name of the .MTL file created.

  5. Name the parent material to wooden_prop and the subsequent sub-material to texture and proxy.
    How to do it...
  6. This next step is very important as each sub-material must be opened and the Shader Basic Parameters section changed to the Crytek Shader type.
    How to do it...


    Only use the Crytek Shader for the materials on objects.

    Having selected the Crytek Shader for both submaterials, you would have seen a new parameter for these materials under the heading of Physicalization.

    This setting controls the way the material acts in the engine, particularly with physics.

    The default setting can be used for most materials as it has no additional physics capabilities.

  7. Select the Proxy sub-material and change its Physicalization type to Physical Proxy (NoDraw). This will cause any geometry assigned this sub-material to be ignored by the renderer making it invisible to the user.
  8. Next, to actually physicalize the material in the engine, select the Physicalize checkbox.
    How to do it...


    If Physicalize is disabled, the object will not physically interact with anything in the game world.

    Now that our material is set up, we can create the .MTL file.

    The .MTL file must be created in the directory you plan to save your assets in.

  9. Open the CryENGINE export and locate the Material Rollout.
    How to do it...

    Ensure that the top-most material is active; you should see all the sub-material in their list. If a sub-material is active while creating the .MTL file, the file will contain only that sub-material.

  10. Create the .MTL file by clicking on Create Material.

    The Sandbox Material Editor window will open.

  11. Click Create Material in 3ds Max a second time.

    You will then, finally, be asked to enter a filename for the new MTL file.

    Again ensure that this name is the same as the name of the material in 3ds Max.

  12. For this recipe, save this material as wooden_prop.mtl to a folder named objects/wooden_props/
  13. Click Save when completed.

How it works...

Multi/Sub-Object materials allow a mesh to have multiple material IDs on a per poly level. This means that two welded triangles can have different material IDs. This is useful many times when making complex objects.

The material has now been created and is readable by the engine. The .MTL files are .XML files that can be manually edited, if so desired.

Now that we have created this .MTL file, we can assign textures to it and use it for new or existing assets in the engine.

There's more...

You may want to know how to add textures to the 3ds max material now that you have created or got more information on the Physicalize parameter.

Assigning textures in 3ds Max to materials

You can assign textures to each submaterial, except for the Physical Proxy (NoDraw) submaterial which, as discussed, will not be rendered. The main three slots that are used for textures before generating or exporting an .MTL are the diffuse, specular, and bump slots.


When the Physicalize checkbox is checked, it actually stores information on the mesh for it to be physical. Simply setting a material to physicalize in 3ds and exporting it to engine will not cause it to be physical when applied to other objects. It is thus important to realize that adjusting the physical properties of collision will likely require a re-export of your mesh.

See also

  • Having now created a material, you are ready to move onto the next recipe in this chapter, which teaches you how to create and export static objects
  • Go back to the Creating textures using CryTIF recipe earlier in this chapter to create some textures to assign to your material
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