• Paradox of choice, 138

  • Participative behavior, 298

  • Path-goal theory of leadership, 298299, 310

  • People-related activities, 11

  • Perception, 274

  • Performance appraisals, 231232

    • executives, of, 232

    • methods of, 231t

    • weaknesses of, 232233

  • Personal mastery, 459

  • Personal power, 397

  • Personnel development standards, 395

  • Philanthropy, 3334

  • Planning, 108f

  • Planning function, 5, 6f

  • Pluralism, 6566

  • Policies, 108109

  • Polycentric attitudes, 91

  • Porter-Lawler theory of motivation, 320

    • intrinsic/extrinsic rewards, 323

    • model, 323f

  • Porter’s Model, 158, 172

  • Position power, 397

  • Position replacement form, 222, 223f

  • Positive reinforcement, 331

  • Power, 396397

  • Power distance, 93

  • Pregnancy Discrimination Act, 225

  • Prejudice, 5859

  • Probability theory, 141142, 142f

  • Problem-solving, 137

    • choice of alternatives, 138

    • teams, 353

  • Procedures, 109

  • Process (functional) layout, 425

  • Process control, 436

  • Process ideas, 493

  • Process strategy, 424425

  • Process theory of motivation

    • equity theory, 320, 322

    • needs-goal theory, 320321

    • Porter-Lawler theory of motivation, 320, 323

    • Vroom expectancy theory of motivation, 320322

  • Processes, 421, 425

  • Product leadership standards, 394

  • Product life cycles, 119120, 120f

  • Product stages method, 120

  • Production. See also Operations management

    • challenge case, 416, 437438

    • control, 417

    • defined, 417

    • organizational resources, 417

    • products, 417

    • quality improvement, 418

    • transformation, 417

  • Productivity, 437

    • defined, 417

    • Hawthorne Studies, 452

    • human variables, 452

    • quality improvement, 418419

    • scientific management and, 447449

    • standards, 394

    • tracking sensors, 448

  • Products, 417

  • Profit, 113114

  • Profitability standards, 394

  • Program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 121122

    • activities, 122

    • critical paths, 123

    • model, 123f

    • steps in, 123

  • Programmed decisions, 133134

  • Project organizations, 189

  • Pure-breakdown (repair) policy, 428

  • Pure-preventive maintenance policy, 428

  • Pygmalion effect, 293

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