How it works…

Capacity is calculated to support the current and future growth based on the design requirements, as follows:

Current capacity = 100 virtual machines x 100 GB = 10 TB

Growth capacity = 25 virtual machines x 100 GB = 2.5 TB

20% slack space = 12.5 TB x .20 = 2.5 TB

Capacity = 12.5 TB + 2.5 TB = 15 TB

Each virtual machine will have a swapfile or .vswp file that is created when the virtual machine is powered on. The size of the .vswp file for each virtual machine is equal to the size of the allocated memory, minus the memory reservation:

vSwap capacity = (100 virtual machines + 25 future virtual machines) x 8 GB of
memory = 1 TB

The total capacity needed to support these requirements is 16 TB.

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