How to do it…

Adding paravirtualized hardware adapters to a virtual machine is done by using the following process:

  1. Access the Guest OS compatibility section of the VMware HCL at to determine guest OS support for paravirtual adapters. A screenshot of the Guest OS compatibility HCL, along with the Networking and Storage adapters highlighted in red boxes, is as follows:

Verifying paravirtual network support for guest operating systems
  1. Install VMware Tools in the virtual machine.
  1. To install the paravirtualized network adapter, edit the virtual machine's Virtual Hardware, add a New Network adapter, and select VMXNET3 for the Adapter Type, as shown in the following screenshot:

Adding a paravirtual network adapter to a VM
  1. To install the paravirtualized SCSI adapter, edit the virtual machine's Virtual Hardware, add a New SCSI controller, and select VMware Paravirtual for the Adapter Type, as shown in the following screenshot:
Adding a paravirtual SCSI controller to a VM
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