How it works…

When cloning a virtual machine to a template, the Clone to Template wizard allows the administrator to choose the data center, cluster, and storage to create the new virtual machine template. Cloning a virtual machine to a template can be done while the source virtual machine is powered on.

When a virtual machine is converted into a template, the virtual machine is converted locally; the template will have the same inventory properties (data center, cluster, and storage) as the virtual machine that has been converted. The virtual machine configuration file (.vmx) is changed to a template configuration file (.vmtx) when a virtual machine is converted. The virtual machine needs to be powered off to be converted to a virtual machine template.

The following screenshot shows the virtual machine template files on a datastore (the virtual machine template configuration file has been boxed in red):

VM template files on datastore

The virtual machine template file is similar to the .vmx file, and it contains configuration information about the virtual hardware that's presented to the virtual machine or template.

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