Attaching a file or copying a file’s content to a note

Attach a file to a note to preserve a copy of a file or make it available in a notebook. After you attach a file to a note, you can double-click its icon to open it. You can also share a file attached to a note by sending the note via email (the attached file is sent along with the note).

You can attach more than one file in a note by using the File Attachment command.

Insert a file printout to copy the text from a file into OneNote and retain all the text formatting. After you insert the text, you can read and search it, but not edit it. Besides inserting the file text, OneNote inserts a shortcut icon to the file and a link to the file. You can double-click the shortcut icon or click the file link to open the file in its default application and edit it as needed.

Attach a file to a note

  1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab.

  2. In the Files group, click File Attachment.

  3. In the Choose A File Or A Set Of Files To Insert dialog box, select the file to attach. (Ctrl+click to select more than one file).

  4. Click Insert.

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  5. In the Insert File dialog box, choose Attach File.

    An icon, linked to a copy of the file, is inserted into the note. Double-click this icon to open the file later.

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Attached files are embedded in notebooks; they are not linked to their original versions. Editorial changes you make to the original file don’t appear in the attachment file; likewise, changes you make to the attachment file don’t transfer to the original.

See Also

To learn how to link a note to a file so that you can open and edit a file by clicking its link in OneNote, read Creating a link to a file.

Insert a file printout

  1. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab.

  2. In the Files group, click File Printout.

  3. In the Choose Document To Insert dialog box, select the file to copy. You can select multiple files if you want.

  4. Click Insert.

    The file’s text is copied to OneNote, and a link to the file is created.

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Try This

Move the pointer over the attached file icon. A ScreenTip shows you the file’s name, when it was last modified, the folder from which it was originally copied, and its size.

Try This

Double-click the file printout’s shortcut icon to open the file in its default application.

Try This

Make changes to the file you selected in step 3. Save those changes and then return to OneNote. Right-click the file printout icon and then, on the shortcut menu that appears, click Refresh Printout to update OneNote with the changes.

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