
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


* (asterisk), creating bulleted lists, Create a bulleted list
{ (curly bracket), in AutoCorrect replacement box, Autocorrecting common misspellings
“...” (quotation marks), enclosing search terms, Searching a section, section group, or notebook


Account tab, File tab, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Account, Microsoft
for OneNote Web App, Using OneNote Web App
for SkyDrive, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
signing up for, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Using OneNote Web App
acronyms, ignoring in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker
in notes, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
in tables, Aligning text in tables
Alignment group, Table Tools Layout tab, Aligning text in tables
asterisk (*), creating bulleted lists, Create a bulleted list
Audio & Video | Playback tab, Playing back audio and video notes
audio notes
playing, Playing back audio and video notes
recording, Recording audio and video notes
Authors group, History tab, Finding notes by specific authors
AutoCorrect, for misspellings, Autocorrecting common misspellings


calendars, Outlook
copying to OneNote, Copy an Outlook calendar item to OneNote, Choose how Outlook copies items to OneNote
meeting details from, copying to notes, Copying meeting details from Outlook to a note
camera, inserting images from, Inserting images from a scanner or digital camera
cells in tables
deleting text in, Create a table
entering text in, Create a table
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
check mark icon, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
Clipboard group, Home tab, Copy text
of font, Formatting text, Format text
of highlighted text, Formatting text
of notebook icon, Renaming a notebook, Color-code a section
of page background, Color-coding notebooks, sections, and pages
of pen, Drawing lines, shapes, and graphs
of section tab, Color-code a section
columns in tables
deleting, Delete a column or row
inserting, Inserting and deleting columns and rows
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
specifying, Creating a table
width of, changing, Changing the width of columns
compatibility mode, Converting OneNote 2007 notebooks to 2010–2013 and back again
contacts in Outlook, copying to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
Convert group, Draw tab, Constructing simple math equations
Convert to Excel Spreadsheet, Table Tools Layout tab, Converting a table into an Excel spreadsheet
copying text, Copying and moving text
curly bracket ({), in AutoCorrect replacement box, Autocorrecting common misspellings
cutting and pasting text, Copying and moving text, Move text


Favorite Pens list
adding custom pens or highlighters to, Creating a custom pen or highlighter
removing pens or highlighters from, Creating a custom pen or highlighter
file addresses, ignoring in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker
file printouts, Attaching a file or copying a file’s content to a note
inserting in notes, Insert a file printout
File tab, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Printing pages or an entire section
Account tab, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Back button, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Info tab, Opening a backup copy of a notebook section, Synchronizing shared notebooks
New tab, Creating a notebook
Open tab, Opening a notebook
Options tab, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Customize Ribbon tab, Reset the Quick Access Toolbar
Display page, Collapsing and expanding the Notebooks pane and page tabs
Proofing page, Customizing the spelling checker, Autocorrecting common misspellings
Save & Backup page, Create a notebook, Backing up notebooks on your own
Send to OneNote page, Choose how Outlook copies items to OneNote
Share tab, Sharing a notebook, Share a notebook on SkyDrive
attaching to notes, Attaching a file or copying a file’s content to a note
copying into notes, Attaching a file or copying a file’s content to a note
exporting notes to, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
inserting images from, Inserting a picture from your computer or network
links to, Creating a link to a file
sending as email attachments, Sending a page by email
Files group, Insert tab, Attaching a file or copying a file’s content to a note, Creating an Excel spreadsheet in a note
flag icon, Creating an Outlook task in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
Flickr, inserting images from, Insert a picture from an Internet source
Backup folder, Open a backup copy of a notebook section
for notebooks, Creating a notebook
on SkyDrive, Creating SkyDrive folders for storing notebooks
Quick Notes folder, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Writing quick notes, Reading, moving, and deleting quick notes
font, Formatting text
font color, Formatting text, Format text
font size, Formatting text, Format text
foreign languages
French traditional and new spellings, Customizing the spelling checker
French uppercase accents, Customizing the spelling checker
Spanish Tuteo and Voseo verb forms, Customizing the spelling checker
spelling dictionaries for, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
translating, Translating a foreign word or phrase
Format group, Table Tools Layout tab, Hiding or displaying table borders
formatting text, Formatting text
bold, Formatting text
clearing all formats, Formatting text, Format text
copying formats, Format text
font, Formatting text
font color, Formatting text, Format text
font size, Formatting text, Format text
for links, Editing links
highlight, Formatting text, Format text
in quick notes, Format a quick note
italic, Formatting text
precedence of, Applying styles to text
strikethrough, Formatting text
styles for, Applying styles to text
subscript or superscript, Formatting text
underlined, Formatting text
free-form drawing, Drawing free-form with a pen or highlighter
flagging uppercase accents for, Customizing the spelling checker
spelling dictionary for, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
traditional and new spellings of, Customizing the spelling checker
Full Page view, Changing screen views, Searching for a note on a page


grammatical errors, Customizing the spelling checker
drawing, Drawing lines, shapes, and graphs
erasing, Using the eraser
green underlines
grammatical errors indicated by, Customizing the spelling checker
hiding, Customizing the spelling checker


Language button, Review tab, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
languages, foreign
French traditional and new spellings, Customizing the spelling checker
French uppercase accents, Customizing the spelling checker
Spanish Tuteo and Voseo verb forms, Customizing the spelling checker
spelling dictionaries for, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
translating, Translating a foreign word or phrase
Lasso, Select lines and shapes with the Lasso
line spacing in notes, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
deleting, Delete lines and shapes
drawing, Drawing lines, shapes, and graphs
erasing, Using the eraser
flipping, Rotating and flipping lines and shapes
moving, Moving lines and shapes
overlapping, arranging, Arranging overlapping lines, shapes, images, and containers
resizing, Resizing and deleting lines and shapes
rotating, Rotating and flipping lines and shapes
selecting, Selecting lines and shapes
linked notes, Taking linked notes
links, Linking your notes
creating, Linking your notes
editing, Editing links, Viewing files or pages linked to notes
following, Linking your notes, Viewing files or pages linked to notes
icon for, Viewing files or pages linked to notes
in Docked view, Docking OneNote to the desktop
location of, determining, Link to a place in the same notebook by using the Link dialog box
removing, Remove a link
returning from, Linking your notes
text for
customizing, Link to another notebook by using the Link dialog box, Link to a place in the same notebook by using the Link dialog box
formatting, Editing links
to files, Creating a link to a file
to other notebooks, Linking to another notebook
to Outlook items
creating, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
opening from Outlook, Open a OneNote task from Outlook
to webpages, Creating a link to a webpage, Taking linked notes
within a notebook, Linking to a place in the same notebook
Links group, Insert tab, Link to another notebook by using the Link dialog box, Link to a place in the same notebook by using the Link dialog box
lists, Creating numbered and bulleted lists
(see also outlines)


math equations, Constructing simple math equations
meetings in Outlook, copying to notes, Copying meeting details from Outlook to a note
messages in Outlook, copying to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
messages, email, Sending a page by email
.mht file extension, Sending a page by email, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
Microsoft Account
for OneNote Web App, Using OneNote Web App
for SkyDrive, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
signing up for, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Using OneNote Web App
Microsoft Excel
converting tables to spreadsheets, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Converting a table into an Excel spreadsheet
creating spreadsheets in notes, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Creating an Excel spreadsheet in a note
editing spreadsheets in notes, Edit an Excel spreadsheet in a note
Microsoft Office 2013
account information, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
spelling checker options applied to, Customize the spelling checker
updating, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Microsoft Office 2013 for Touch Devices (Murray), About this book
Microsoft Office 365, Creating a notebook in Office 365
(see also SharePoint; SkyDrive)
account information, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
creating notebooks in, Creating a notebook in Office 365
sharing notebooks, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
updating, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Microsoft OneNote (see OneNote entries)
Microsoft Outlook
copy location for, Copy an Outlook calendar item to OneNote
copying items to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
emailing pages using, Sending a page by email
links to items in, Copying Outlook items to OneNote, Open a OneNote task from Outlook
meeting details, copying to notes, Copying meeting details from Outlook to a note
changing in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
copying to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
creating in OneNote, Creating an Outlook task in OneNote
deleting in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
opening in Outlook, Open a OneNote task from Outlook
Microsoft Word
exporting pages or sections as Word files, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
sending pages to, Sending a page to Word
taking linked notes from, Take linked notes starting in Word or PowerPoint
Mini Translator, Translating text by using the Mini Translator
autocorrecting, Autocorrecting common misspellings
checking for, Running the spelling checker
(see also spelling checker)
hiding, Customizing the spelling checker
moving text, Copying and moving text, Move text
Murray, Katherine (Microsoft Office 2013 for Touch Devices), About this book


name-stamping notes, Date-stamping and time-stamping notes
pictures on, inserting in notes, Inserting a picture from your computer or network
sharing notebooks on, Sharing a notebook
New tab, File tab, Creating a notebook
No Default template, Choose the default page template for section pages
Normal view, Changing screen views
Notebook button, Export tab, Export a page, section, or notebook in an alternative file format
Notebook Properties dialog box
color of notebook, Renaming a notebook
color-coding notebooks, Color-code a section
converting notebook versions, Converting OneNote 2007 notebooks to 2010–2013 and back again
renaming a notebook, Renaming a notebook
unsharing notebooks, Share a notebook on SharePoint
Notebook Recycle Bin, History tab, Restoring pages and sections from the Recycle Bin, Restore a section from the Recycle Bin, Choosing how to back up notebooks
notebooks, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Getting started with OneNote 2013
backing up
automatically, configuration for, Choosing how to back up notebooks
disabling, Choosing how to back up notebooks
manually, Backing up notebooks on your own
opening backup copies, Opening a backup copy of a notebook section
closing, Closing a notebook
collapsing and expanding, Collapsing and expanding sections listed in the Notebooks pane
color-coding, Renaming a notebook, Color-code a section
converting between versions of, Converting OneNote 2007 notebooks to 2010–2013 and back again
copying sections between, Moving or copying a section to another notebook
creating, Creating a notebook, Creating a notebook on SkyDrive, Creating a notebook in Office 365
default location for, Create a notebook
exporting to files, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
folders for, Creating a notebook
moving sections between, Moving or copying a section to another notebook
navigating, Navigating in OneNote
opening, Opening a notebook
renaming, Renaming a notebook
searching, Searching a section, section group, or notebook
shared notebooks, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Sharing a notebook
author of, finding notes by, Finding notes by specific authors
marking notes as unread, Finding unread notes
on network, Sharing a notebook
on SharePoint, Sharing a notebook
on SkyDrive, Sharing a notebook, Share a notebook on SkyDrive, Inviting others to share a notebook on SkyDrive
recently edited notes, finding, Finding recently edited notes
synchronizing, Synchronizing shared notebooks
unread notes in, finding, Finding unread notes
unsharing, Share a notebook on SharePoint
transferring to another computer, Transferring a notebook to another computer
Notebooks pane, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Collapsing and expanding the Notebooks pane and page tabs
collapsing and expanding, Collapsing and expanding the Notebooks pane and page tabs
hiding, Collapsing and expanding the Notebooks pane and page tabs
not visible in Full Page view, Changing screen views
reordering items in, Collapsing and expanding sections listed in the Notebooks pane
alignment in, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
audio notes
playing, Playing back audio and video notes
recording, Recording audio and video notes
deleting, Deleting notes
drawing in (see drawing)
emailing, Sending a page by email
exporting to files, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
file printouts in, Insert a file printout
files attached to, Attaching a file or copying a file’s content to a note
formatting (see formatting text)
handwritten notes
converting to text, Convert a handwritten note to text
writing, Handwriting notes and converting them to text
line spacing in, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
linked notes, creating, Taking linked notes
links in (see links)
lists in, Creating numbered and bulleted lists
math equations in, Constructing simple math equations
moving, Moving notes
name-stamping, Date-stamping and time-stamping notes
outlines in, Creating and constructing outlines
overlapping, arranging, Arranging overlapping lines, shapes, images, and containers
pictures in
from computer or network files, Inserting a picture from your computer or network
from digital camera, Inserting images from a scanner or digital camera
from Internet, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Inserting a picture from an Internet source
from scanner, Inserting images from a scanner or digital camera
overlapping, arranging, Arranging overlapping lines, shapes, images, and containers
resizing, Insert a picture from an Internet source
printing, Printing pages or an entire section
quick notes
deleting, Reading, moving, and deleting quick notes
formatting, Format a quick note
moving, Reading, moving, and deleting quick notes
name of, Reading, moving, and deleting quick notes
reading, Reading, moving, and deleting quick notes
writing, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Writing quick notes
resizing, Writing a note with the keyboard
screen clippings in, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Taking a screen clipping
searching for (see searching)
selecting, Moving notes
sending to Microsoft Word, Sending a page to Word
snapping to grid, Moving lines and shapes
space between, adjusting, Moving notes
spell checking (see spelling checker)
spreadsheets in, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Creating an Excel spreadsheet in a note
tables in (see tables)
tags for
adding, Tagging notes and other items for follow-up
customizing, Customizing tags
deleting, Deleting tags
removing, Remove a tag from a note, other item, or page
searching notes based on, Finding tagged items
text in, manipulating (see paragraphs; text)
video notes
playing, Playing back audio and video notes
recording, Recording audio and video notes
by handwriting, Handwriting notes and converting them to text
by typing on keyboard, Writing a note with the keyboard
Notes group, Review tab, Taking linked notes
numbered lists, Creating numbered and bulleted lists
numbers, ignoring in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker


Office 2013
account information, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
spelling checker options applied to, Customize the spelling checker
updating, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Office 365, Creating a notebook in Office 365
(see also SharePoint; SkyDrive)
account information, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
creating notebooks in, Creating a notebook in Office 365
sharing notebooks, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
updating, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
.one file extension, Create a section, Sending a page by email, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
OneNote 2007, converting to version 2013, Converting OneNote 2007 notebooks to 2010–2013 and back again
OneNote 2013
converting to version 2007, Convert a OneNote 2010–2013 notebook to 2007
copying Outlook items to, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
keeping window on top, Opening another OneNote window
in Windows 7, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
in Windows 8, What’s new in OneNote 2013
multiple windows of, opening, Opening another OneNote window
navigating, Navigating in OneNote
new features in, What’s new in OneNote 2013
panels on screen, Getting started with OneNote 2013
(see also Notebooks pane; task panes)
ribbon commands (see ribbon)
toolbar (see Quick Access Toolbar)
touchscreen instructions for, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
OneNote App for Windows 8, About this book, Starting OneNote in Windows 8
OneNote Mobile, Using OneNote Web App
OneNote Package
exporting notebooks to, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
transferring to another computer, Transferring a notebook to another computer
OneNote Web App
with SharePoint, Using OneNote Web App
creating notebooks, Creating a notebook in Office 365
with SkyDrive, Using OneNote Web App
changes to notebook, determining author of, Finding out who made changes to a SkyDrive notebook
creating notebooks, Creating a notebook on SkyDrive
deleting notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
folders on, Creating SkyDrive folders for storing notebooks
Microsoft Account for, Using OneNote Web App
moving notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
opening notebooks, Opening a SkyDrive notebook in OneNote
renaming notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
selecting notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
sharing notebooks, Inviting others to share a notebook on SkyDrive
.onepkg file extension, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats, Transferring a notebook to another computer
Open Backups option, Info tab, Opening a backup copy of a notebook section
Open tab, File tab, Opening a notebook
Options dialog box, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Customize Ribbon tab, Reset the Quick Access Toolbar
Display page, Collapsing and expanding the Notebooks pane and page tabs
Proofing page, Customizing the spelling checker, Autocorrecting common misspellings
Save & Backup page, Create a notebook, Backing up notebooks on your own
Send to OneNote page, Choose how Outlook copies items to OneNote
outlines, Creating and constructing outlines
copy location for, Copy an Outlook calendar item to OneNote
copying items to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
emailing pages using, Sending a page by email
links to items in, Copying Outlook items to OneNote, Open a OneNote task from Outlook
meeting details, copying to notes, Copying meeting details from Outlook to a note
changing in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
copying to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
creating in OneNote, Creating an Outlook task in OneNote
deleting in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
opening in Outlook, Open a OneNote task from Outlook


package (see OneNote Package)
Page button, Export tab, Export a page, section, or notebook in an alternative file format
page groups
collapsing and expanding, Expanding or collapsing pages in a group
creating, Creating page groups
page tabs, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Storing your notes
author names in, Finding notes by specific authors
bold text in, Finding unread notes
collapsing and expanding, Expanding or collapsing pages in a group, Collapse and expand the page tabs
not visible in Full Page view, Changing screen views
Page Versions, History tab, Revisiting and restoring a different version of a page, Revisit and restore a page version
pages, Getting started with OneNote 2013
color-coding, Color-coding notebooks, sections, and pages
copying to another section, Moving or copying pages
creating, Creating pages
deleting, Deleting pages
deleting previous versions of, Revisit and restore a page version
displaying, Getting started with OneNote 2013
emailing, Sending a page by email
exporting to files, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
moving to another section, Moving or copying pages
printing, Printing pages or an entire section
renaming, Creating pages
reordering, Creating pages
restoring deleted pages, Delete multiple pages, Restoring pages and sections from the Recycle Bin
restoring previous versions of, Revisiting and restoring a different version of a page
searching, Searching for a note on a page
sending to Microsoft Word, Sending a page to Word
spell checking, Run the spelling checker
subpages, Getting started with OneNote 2013
collapsing and expanding, Expanding or collapsing pages in a group
creating, Creating page groups
promoting to a page, Creating page groups
templates for, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
creating, Creating and managing templates
creating pages from, Create a page from a template
default, choosing, Choose the default page template for section pages
on, Create a page from a template
panels on screen, Getting started with OneNote 2013
(see also Notebooks pane; task panes)
Panning Hand, Panning to see your work
Paragraph group, Home tab, Change alignment and spacing in a note
paragraph handle, Creating and constructing outlines
alignment of, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
line spacing in, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
moving, Move text
selecting, Selecting text
selecting multiple, Change alignment and spacing in a note
password-protecting sections, Password-protecting a section
changing password, Removing a password from a section
length of time unlocked, Password-protect a section
opening protected sections, Password-protect a section
removing password, Removing a password from a section
searching protected sections, Password-protecting a section
pasting text (see copying text; moving text)
PDF files
emailing notes as, Sending a page by email
exporting notes as, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
custom, creating, Creating a custom pen or highlighter
free-form drawing with, Drawing free-form with a pen or highlighter
handwritten notes using, Handwriting notes and converting them to text
properties of, changing, Drawing lines, shapes, and graphs
selecting, Drawing free-form with a pen or highlighter, Drawing lines, shapes, and graphs
Pens gallery
custom pens or highlighters in, Creating a custom pen or highlighter
Favorite Pens list in, Creating a custom pen or highlighter
selecting pen or highlighter from, Drawing free-form with a pen or highlighter
inserting in notes
from computer or network files, Inserting a picture from your computer or network
from digital camera, Inserting images from a scanner or digital camera
from Internet, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Inserting a picture from an Internet source
from scanner, Inserting images from a scanner or digital camera
overlapping, arranging, Arranging overlapping lines, shapes, images, and containers
resizing, Insert a picture from an Internet source
PowerPoint, taking linked notes in, Take linked notes starting in Word or PowerPoint
Print button, Print tab, Printing pages or an entire section
Print Preview button, Print tab, Preview a section before printing
Print tab
Print button, Printing pages or an entire section
Print Preview button, Preview a section before printing
printer, virtual, Sending files to OneNote
printing pages or sections, Printing pages or an entire section
Proofing Language task pane, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
Proofing page, Options dialog box, Customizing the spelling checker, Autocorrecting common misspellings


Recent Notebook list
opening notebooks from, Open a notebook on your computer or on SharePoint
reordering items in, Open a notebook on your computer or on SharePoint
Recording group, Insert tab, Recording audio and video notes
Recycle Bin
emptying, Restore a section from the Recycle Bin
restoring deleted pages and sections from, Restoring pages and sections from the Recycle Bin
red flag icon, Creating an Outlook task in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
red underlines
hiding, Customizing the spelling checker
misspellings indicated by, Running the spelling checker
repeated words, flagging in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker
Research button, Review tab, Researching a topic by using the Internet
Research task pane, Researching a topic by using the Internet
Internet searches using, Researching a topic by using the Internet
research services used by, Customizing the Research task pane
resizing notes, Writing a note with the keyboard
Review tab
Language button, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
Notes group, Taking linked notes
opening task panes from, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
Research button, Researching a topic by using the Internet
Spelling button, Run the spelling checker
Thesaurus button, Finding the right word by using the Thesaurus
Translate button, Translating a foreign word or phrase
ribbon, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Showing and collapsing the ribbon
collapsing, Showing and collapsing the ribbon
customizing, Reset the Quick Access Toolbar
adding commands to a group, Adding or removing commands from a ribbon group
creating groups on, Creating or removing a ribbon group
creating tabs on, Creating or removing a ribbon tab
hiding tabs on, Remove a ribbon tab
moving tabs or groups, Moving a ribbon tab or group
removing commands from a group, Remove commands from a ribbon group
removing groups from, Remove a ribbon group
removing tabs from, Remove a ribbon tab
renaming tabs or groups, Renaming a ribbon tab or group
reordering commands in a group, Adding or removing commands from a ribbon group
resetting to default settings, Resetting your ribbon customizations
moving above or below Quick Access Toolbar, Repositioning the Quick Access Toolbar
showing, Show the ribbon
rows in tables
deleting, Delete a column or row
height of, changing, Changing the width of columns
inserting, Inserting and deleting columns and rows
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
specifying, Creating a table


Save & Backup page, Options dialog box, Create a notebook, Backing up notebooks on your own
Save button, as not needed, Create a notebook
scanner, inserting images from, Inserting images from a scanner or digital camera
screen clippings, capturing
from OneNote, Taking a screen clipping
from Send To OneNote tool, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Take a screen clipping
screen views, Changing screen views
ScreenTips, Getting started with OneNote 2013
Internet, Researching a topic by using the Internet
keyboard shortcut for, Searching for a note on a page
notebooks, Searching a section, section group, or notebook
pages, Searching for a note on a page
results of
previewing pages in, Searching a section, section group, or notebook
refining search using, Refining searches with the Search Results pane
sorting, Refining searches with the Search Results pane
scope of
changing, Refining searches with the Search Results pane
default, setting, Choosing the default search scope
sections or section groups, Searching a section, section group, or notebook
Section button, Export tab, Export a page, section, or notebook in an alternative file format
section groups, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Getting started with OneNote 2013
buttons for, Getting started with OneNote 2013
creating, Creating section groups
opening, Creating section groups
searching, Searching a section, section group, or notebook
section tabs, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Storing your notes, Color-code a section
sections, Getting started with OneNote 2013
collapsing and expanding, Collapsing and expanding sections listed in the Notebooks pane
color-coding, Color-code a section
copying pages between, Moving or copying pages
copying to another notebook, Moving or copying a section to another notebook
creating, Creating sections
deleting, Deleting a section
exporting to files, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
location of, Create a section
moving pages between, Moving or copying pages
moving to another notebook, Moving or copying a section to another notebook
naming, Creating sections
opening backup copies of, Opening a backup copy of a notebook section
password protection for, Password-protecting a section
changing password, Removing a password from a section
length of time unlocked, Password-protect a section
opening protected sections, Password-protect a section
removing password, Removing a password from a section
searching protected sections, Password-protecting a section
printing, Printing pages or an entire section
renaming, Creating sections
reordering, Creating sections
restoring deleted sections, Restore a section from the Recycle Bin
searching, Searching a section, section group, or notebook
Select group, Table Tools Layout tab, Selecting parts of a table
lines or shapes, Selecting lines and shapes
notes, Moving notes
paragraphs, Change alignment and spacing in a note, Selecting text
table cells, columns, or rows, Selecting parts of a table
text, Selecting text
Send tab
Email Page button, Sending a page by email
Send To Word button, Sending a page to Word
Send To OneNote 2013 virtual printer, Sending files to OneNote
Send to OneNote page, Options dialog box, Choose how Outlook copies items to OneNote
Send To OneNote tool, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
accessing, Writing quick notes
disabling at startup, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
writing quick notes, Writing quick notes
Send To Word button, Send tab, Sending a page to Word
deleting, Delete lines and shapes
drawing, Drawing lines, shapes, and graphs
erasing, Using the eraser
flipping, Rotating and flipping lines and shapes
moving, Moving lines and shapes
overlapping, arranging, Arranging overlapping lines, shapes, images, and containers
resizing, Resizing and deleting lines and shapes
rotating, Rotating and flipping lines and shapes
selecting, Selecting lines and shapes
snapping to grid, Moving lines and shapes
Share tab, File tab, Sharing a notebook, Share a notebook on SkyDrive
shared notebooks, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Sharing a notebook
author of, finding notes by, Finding notes by specific authors
marking notes as unread, Finding unread notes
on network, Sharing a notebook
on SharePoint, Sharing a notebook
on SkyDrive, Sharing a notebook, Share a notebook on SkyDrive, Inviting others to share a notebook on SkyDrive
recently edited notes, finding, Finding recently edited notes
synchronizing, Synchronizing shared notebooks
unread notes in, finding, Finding unread notes
unsharing, Share a notebook on SharePoint
creating notebooks, Creating a notebook in Office 365
editing notebooks, Using OneNote Web App
sharing notebooks, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Sharing a notebook
shortcut keys (see keyboard shortcuts)
side notes (see quick notes)
Microsoft Account for, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
sharing notebooks, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Sharing a notebook, Share a notebook on SkyDrive
with OneNote Web App, Using OneNote Web App
changes to notebook, determining author of, Finding out who made changes to a SkyDrive notebook
creating notebooks, Creating a notebook on SkyDrive
deleting notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
folders on, Creating SkyDrive folders for storing notebooks
moving notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
opening notebooks, Opening a SkyDrive notebook in OneNote
renaming notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
selecting notebooks, Create a notebook on SkyDrive
sharing notebooks, Inviting others to share a notebook on SkyDrive
Sort button, Table Tools Layout tab, Sorting data in a table
search results, Refining searches with the Search Results pane
table data, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Sorting data in a table
between notes, Moving notes
in drawings, Panning to see your work
in notes, Changing alignment and spacing in a note
handling Tuteo and Voseo verb forms of, Customizing the spelling checker
spelling dictionary for, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
special characters (see unusual characters)
Spelling button, Review tab, Run the spelling checker
spelling checker, Running the spelling checker
checking for misspellings as you type, Customizing the spelling checker
correcting misspellings one at a time, Running the spelling checker
customizing, Customizing the spelling checker
dictionary for
adding words to, Running the spelling checker
built-in, using only, Customizing the spelling checker
custom, creating and using, Customizing the spelling checker
for foreign languages, using, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
hiding misspellings, Customizing the spelling checker
keyboard shortcut for, Run the spelling checker
limitations of, Run the spelling checker
options for, applied to Microsoft Office, Customize the spelling checker
running for a single page, Run the spelling checker
Spelling task pane, Running the spelling checker
spreadsheets, Excel
converting tables to, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Converting a table into an Excel spreadsheet
creating in notes, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Creating an Excel spreadsheet in a note
editing in notes, Edit an Excel spreadsheet in a note
strikethrough text, Formatting text
styles for text, Applying styles to text
Styles, Home tab, Applying styles to text
subpages, Getting started with OneNote 2013
collapsing and expanding, Expanding or collapsing pages in a group
creating, Creating page groups
promoting to a page, Creating page groups
subscripts, Formatting text
superscripts, Formatting text
Symbols group, Insert tab, Entering symbols and unusual characters, Constructing complex math equations
symbols, entering in notes, Entering symbols and unusual characters
synonyms, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Finding the right word by using the Thesaurus


Table button, Insert tab, Creating a table
Table Tools Layout tab
Alignment group, Aligning text in tables
Convert to Excel Spreadsheet, Converting a table into an Excel spreadsheet
Format group, Hiding or displaying table borders
Insert group, Inserting and deleting columns and rows
Select group, Selecting parts of a table
Sort button, Sorting data in a table
borders for, displaying or hiding, Hiding or displaying table borders
cells in
aligning text in, Aligning text in tables
deleting text in, Create a table
entering text in, Create a table
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
columns in
deleting, Delete a column or row
inserting, Inserting and deleting columns and rows
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
specifying, Creating a table
width of, changing, Changing the width of columns
converting to spreadsheets, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Converting a table into an Excel spreadsheet
creating, Creating a table
deleting, Delete a column or row
rows in
deleting, Delete a column or row
height of, changing, Changing the width of columns
inserting, Inserting and deleting columns and rows
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
specifying, Creating a table
sorting data in, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Sorting data in a table
title of, Create a table
on ribbon, Getting started with OneNote 2013
(see also specific tabs)
page tabs, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Storing your notes
author names in, Finding notes by specific authors
bold text in, Finding unread notes
collapsing and expanding, Expanding or collapsing pages in a group, Collapse and expand the page tabs
not visible in Full Page view, Changing screen views
section tabs, Getting started with OneNote 2013, Storing your notes
adding, Tagging notes and other items for follow-up
customizing, Customizing tags
deleting from Tags gallery, Deleting tags
removing from a note, Remove a tag from a note, other item, or page
searching notes based on, Finding tagged items
Tags group, Home tab, Tagging notes and other items for follow-up, Finding tagged items
task panes, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
(see also Notebooks pane)
closing, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
docking to right side of screen, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
moving, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
opening, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
Proofing Language task pane, Using the spelling checker with foreign-language text
Research task pane, Researching a topic by using the Internet
resizing, Conducting research in OneNote 2013
Spelling task pane, Running the spelling checker
Thesaurus task pane, Finding the right word by using the Thesaurus
Translate task pane, Translating a foreign word or phrase
tasks, Outlook
changing in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
copying to OneNote, Copying Outlook items to OneNote
created in OneNote, opening, Open a OneNote task from Outlook
creating in OneNote, Creating an Outlook task in OneNote
deleting in OneNote, Changing or deleting an Outlook task in OneNote
templates, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
creating, Creating and managing templates
creating pages from, Create a page from a template
default, choosing, Choose the default page template for section pages
on, Create a page from a template
copying, Copying and moving text
formatting, Formatting text
bold, Formatting text
clearing all formats, Formatting text, Format text
copying formats, Format text
font, Formatting text, Format text
font color, Formatting text, Format text
font size, Formatting text, Format text
highlight, Formatting text, Format text
italic, Formatting text
precedence of, Applying styles to text
strikethrough, Formatting text
styles for, Applying styles to text
subscript or superscript, Formatting text
underlined, Formatting text
in table cells
aligning, Aligning text in tables
deleting, Create a table
entering, Create a table
selecting, Selecting parts of a table
moving, Copying and moving text, Move text
selecting, Selecting text
synonyms for, finding, Finding the right word by using the Thesaurus
translating, Translating a foreign word or phrase
Thesaurus, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Finding the right word by using the Thesaurus
Time Stamp group, Insert tab, Date-stamping and time-stamping notes
toolbars (see Quick Access Toolbar; ribbon)
Tools group, Draw tab, Handwriting notes and converting them to text, Creating a custom pen or highlighter, Selecting lines and shapes
touchscreens, using, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
Translate button, Review tab, Translating a foreign word or phrase
Translate task pane, Translating a foreign word or phrase


underlined text
applying to notes, Formatting text
green, grammatical errors indicated by, Customizing the spelling checker
hiding, Customizing the spelling checker
red, misspellings indicated by, Running the spelling checker
Unicode, entering characters using, Entering symbols and unusual characters
unusual characters, entering in notes, Entering symbols and unusual characters
uppercase words
flagging French accents for, Customizing the spelling checker
ignoring in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker
URLs, ignoring in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker


web addresses, ignoring in spelling checker, Customizing the spelling checker
links to, Creating a link to a webpage, Taking linked notes
pictures from, inserting in notes, Starting OneNote in Windows 7, Inserting a picture from an Internet source
searching, Researching a topic by using the Internet
website resources
Microsoft Account, signing up for, Starting OneNote in Windows 7
page templates, Create a page from a template
keeping on top, Opening another OneNote window
multiple, opening, Opening another OneNote window
zooming, Zooming in and out
Windows group, View tab, Opening another OneNote window
exporting pages or sections as Word files, Exporting pages, sections, and notebooks in alternative file formats
sending pages to, Sending a page to Word
taking linked notes from, Take linked notes starting in Word or PowerPoint
writing notes
by handwriting, Handwriting notes and converting them to text
by typing on keyboard, Writing a note with the keyboard


Zoom group, View tab, Zooming in and out
zooming, Zooming in and out
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