API by example

As it's always easier to understand things when you see a working example, I have added a simple example that you can use to create hosts, link them to a template and add them to the correct group.

Getting ready

For this recipe, we only need our Zabbix server with the super administrators account that was created at the installation. We need to install the Zabbix agent on the Zabbix server. There is no need to change any of the parameters just make sure that the Zabbix server is monitored by Zabbix. Once it is working, remove the Zabbix server host from the list of hosts in Zabbix as we will add it again by making use of the API.

How to do it...

  1. Log into your Zabbix server.
  2. Install the EPEL repository as we need pip on our machine installed:
    yum install http://fedora.cu.be/epel/6/i386/epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm
  3. Install python and python-pip on your Zabbix server as follows:
    yum install python python-pip
  4. Install the third-party tool PyZabbix as follows:
    pip install pyzabbix
  5. Now create a file called zabbix_host_add.py with vi or another editor and copy the following code into this file and save it.
  6. Alter host parameters where needed:
    from pyzabbix import ZabbixAPI
    # IP of the Zabbix server
    # Host Parameters
    host_name='Zabbix server'
    group='Zabbix servers'
    template='Template App Zabbix Server'
    zapi = ZabbixAPI(ZABBIX_SERVER)
    # Login to the Zabbix API
    zapi.login(login, password)
    group_id = zapi.hostgroup.getobjects(name=group)[0]['groupid']
    template_id = zapi.template.getobjects(name=template)[0]['templateid']
    zapi.host.create (
            "host": host_name,
                    "ip": ip,
                    "port": port,
                    "useip": 1,
            "groups": [{ "groupid": group_id }],
            "templates": [{ "templateid": template_id }],
    print('Host Added')
  7. Now let's run our script with the following command:
    python zabbix_host_add.py

When the script has run, you should see some output with the groupid and the templateid parameters and at the last line you will get a message that says: 'Host Added'.

Now let's go to Zabbix to Configuration | Hosts and you should see your Zabbix server back in the list linked with the correct Zabbix template added to the correct group Zabbix servers.

How it works…

By making use of PyZabbix, we added a host to our Zabbix server in an easy way. First we defined some parameters such as username, password, hostname, hostgroup, and template. Then we told PyZabbix to authenticate us on the Zabbix server through the API. PyZabbix then gathered the correct ID information for the template and the group we had specified. Next we launched zapi.host.create file with all the parameters specified that are necessary to create a new host.


The API documentation can be really difficult to understand; you probably have to do some trial and error before you understand how it works.

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