P11.7. Determination of the Opamp Frequency Response


  • The VI sweeps the input sine-wave signal over a range of frequencies, 1Hz<f<1kHz. The gain is computed and plotted and the bandwidth of the amplifier is computed and indicated. The GBP is then computed and indicated.

  • Install precision resistor values for R3 and R4 in the Front Panel of FreqResp.vi. Run the VI to obtain the frequency response. Verify that Vo(max) is less than about 1 V. This must less than the oscilloscope limit of 2 V. Save the Front Panel.

Datasheet Gain – Bandwidth Product
GBPGain – Bandwidth product (Av = 40 dB, RL = 100 kΩ, CL = 100 pF, fin = 100 kHz) 0.7 MHz

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