B.6. SPICE Solution for IC versus VCE of the Measurement Circuit

All components of base current are those from (B.12) (forward mode) and (B.14) (reverse mode). These are summed together to obtain the following expression for the general bias case:

Equation B.27

In the measurement circuit of the project on the output characteristic of the BJT, the circuit will provide a current source at the input and IB (to a good approximation) will be a constant. However, in the event that a precision solution for IB and VBE is required, it can be obtained by equating (B.27) to IB from the input circuit equation (Fig. B.12), which is

Equation B.28

In the Mathcad project file, a solution for VBE as a function of VCE is obtained (using a root finder) for a given VBB and RB. The result for VBE (at a given VCE) is used in (B.23) for a solution for IC, and hence the output characteristic is obtained. For this, the leakage components of base current are neglected.

In the LabVIEW output characteristic measurement project, a SPICE solution is obtained along with the measurement. The solution is obtained with LabVIEW using an iterative solution. The equations are (B.28) and (B.27) (without the leakage terms) solved for VBE. This is

Equation B.29

The iterative method consists of guessing an initial VBE and solving for IB from (B.28). This is used in (B.29), with the given VCE, to obtain a better value for VBE. The new VBE is then put back into the circuit equation, (B.28), and so on, until VBE stops changing significantly. This VBE is then used in (B.23) for a solution for IC at the specified VCE. For the complete output characteristic, the solution is repeated in increments of VCE for a range from zero up to a specified maximum. This is accomplished in LabVIEW with a Formula Node in a While Loop. The analytical formulation is explored in the project Mathcad file.

From (B.29), we note that over the full range of 0 < VCE < 5 V, for example, the limits of VBE are for VCE = 0,

Equation B.30

while for large VCE,

Equation B.31

The case of (B.30) uses βF >> βR. For example, for βFR = 100, the difference VBE(hi) – VBE(lo) ≈ VTln(βFR), which is about 120 mV. In the base circuit equation (B.28), this change would be minor compared, for example, with a base bias voltage, VBB, of 5 to 10 V. Thus, base current is close to a constant over the full range of VCE, based on Chan1_out ≡ VBB = 5 V or greater, as dictated by the design goal. That is, VBB is much greater than the change in VBE as VCE moves from (B.30) to (B.31).

We note that, consistent with the limit of (B.31), the solution for IB is from

Equation B.32

Therefore, IB and VBE are constant and IC only varies with VCE due to the VCE dependence in (B.24). The value of the limit VCE is quantified in the next unit.

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