B.9. Signal or Incremental Common-Emitter Current Gain

Since βDC/IB is a variable function of IC, the incremental βac is, in general, different from the dc βDC. (The incremental βac is often referred to as βo, but βac is consistent with SPICE.) To get an approximate value, we could calculate βac from

Equation B.42

with IC1 = IC2 and where (B.39) is used to obtain βDC at the two currents. The definition of βac is from the limiting case of IC2 → IC1, that is,

Equation B.43

Performing this operation with the use of (B.39) leads to

Equation B.44

The result indicates that βac > βDC (nE > 1) and that the two converge in the limit for high IC. This is the expression used in SPICE for the incremental βac, and it is used by SPICE when NE and ISE are included in the model. Otherwise, SPICE uses βac = βDC = βF. (If IS and BF are not specified in the model, SPICE will use default values, typically, BF = 100 and IS = 10–16 A. For the project transistors, IS is about 10–13 A.)

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