Chapter 12. Searching for stray notes

In this section:

Microsoft OneNote 2013 provides the Search box for finding stray notes. This box is located in the upper right of the screen, above the page tabs. To conduct a search, enter a search term in the Search box.

You can restrict searches to the currently open page, section, section group, notebook, or all open notebooks. You can also choose what OneNote searches by default.

When you search the currently open page, the term you entered is highlighted on the page so you can find notes that contain that term. When searching sections, section groups, and notebooks, pages where the search term is found are listed. By clicking a page name in the results list, you can preview the page where the search term was found; the search term is highlighted on the page so that you can find it easily.

After your initial search you can open the Search Results pane, change the scope of your search, and sort the search results by section name, page title, or date modified.

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