Searching a section, section group, or notebook

To search a section, section group, or notebook, start by opening a page in the section, section group, or notebook in which you want to search. Then, enter a search term and limit the search scope to This Section, This Section Group, or This Notebook. OneNote 2013 conducts the search and lists pages with notes containing your search term, even if those pages are in the Recycle Bin. OneNote also lists pages that contain the term only in the page title.

In the On Page section of the search results list, you’ll find pages that contain the search term that you have not yet visited. As you preview pages, they appear in the Recent Picks section, instead.

By clicking a page name in the search results, you can preview the page, and the search results list remains open so that you can continue to preview each result. When you click a page that you are previewing, OneNote closes the search results list.

Search a section, section group, or notebook

  1. Open the section, section group, or notebook that you want to search.

  2. Click or tap the Change Search Scope down-arrow.

  3. In the drop-down list that opens, click or tap This Section, This Section Group, or This Notebook.

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  4. Type a term in the Search box.

  5. Click or tap a page name in the search results to preview the page. Continue to select page names to preview pages and locate the page you want.

  6. To close the search results list, in the Search box, click the Close button, press Esc, or click the page you’re previewing.

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The Search box does not appear in Full Page view. Press Ctrl+E or switch to Normal view to display the Search box when you are in Full Page view.


Search terms are not case-sensitive. You can enter any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters as a search term.

Try This

Search for a phrase by enclosing the phrase in quotation marks. Type “york and “new“ on one page, and “New York” on another. Then, type “new york” in the Search box, and note that both pages appear in the results, because both pages contain both of the words you searched for. Type “new york” as the search term, and notice that only the page with both words in that order appears.


Click the Pin Search Results link to display results in the Search Results pane. The pane remains open even after you click a page and make edits.

See Also

To learn how to change the scope of a search and sort the search results differently, read Refining searches with the Search Results pane.

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