Moving notes

As a page starts to get crowded with notes, you might need to move the notes around to more clearly read them or to resize them. Rather than drag notes one at a time to move them, you can select several at once and move them. You can also click the Insert Space button and drag to increase or decrease the space between notes.

Before you can move a note, you must select it. The trick to selecting a note is to move the mouse pointer over the bar along its top and then click. You can see when the pointer is over this bar because it turns into the four-headed arrow pointer.

Move notes

  1. Move the pointer over the bar along the top of a note; to select the note, click when you see the four-headed pointer. To move a note by touch, tap the move handle (located at the top center of the note container).

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  2. Ctrl+click the note bars or Ctrl+tap the move handles on more than one note to select them.

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  3. Drag the notes to a different location.

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  4. On the ribbon, click the Insert tab.

  5. Click Insert Space to visually adjust the space between notes.

  6. Drag downward on the page to insert space and move the notes further down. Drag upward to move the notes closer together.

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To select all of the notes on a page, first click the page to make sure that no notes are selected and then press Ctrl+A.

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