Deleting notes

You can delete unwanted notes to make a page less crowded or to get rid of notes that you no longer need.

You can delete one or more notes a time. Before you can delete a note, you have to select it. The trick to selecting a note is to click the bar along its top. You can tell when the pointer is over this bar because it turns into the four-headed arrow pointer.

Delete a note

  1. Move the pointer over the bar along the top of a note; to select the note, click when you see the four-headed pointer. To move a note by touch, tap the move handle (located at the top center of the note container).

  2. On the ribbon, click the Home tab.

  3. In the Basic Text group, click Delete.

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Delete multiple notes

  1. Ctrl+click the note bars or Ctrl+tap the move handles on more than one note to select them.

  2. Right-click the bar along the top of a note and click Delete (or press the Delete key) to delete the notes you selected.

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To select all the notes on a page, click the page to make sure that no notes are selected and then press Ctrl+A.

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