• Capacity flexibility, 423

  • Capacity strategy, 423424

  • Capital resources, 78

    • angel investors and, 473

    • social entrepreneurship, 477

    • venture capitalists, 473474

  • Careers

    • decline stage, 15

    • defined, 14

    • development of, 16

    • plateauing, 15

    • stages of, 14, 14f, 15

  • Census Bureau, 14

  • Centralization, 208, 211212, 214215

  • Chain of command, 190

  • Change-related activities, 11

  • Chief ethics officer position, 4041

    • skills, 41f

  • Chief information officer (CIO), 403

  • Civil Rights Act, 225

  • Clan culture, 371, 373f

  • Clarifying job activities, 201

    • management responsibility guide, 201

  • Classical approach to management

    • comprehensive analysis of management, 446, 450451

    • limitations of, 451

    • lower-level management analysis, 446450

    • model, 446f

  • Classical organizing theory, 178179

  • Clean Air Act, 28, 157

  • Closed systems, 456

  • Coaching, 304305, 305t

  • Code of ethics, 39, 40f

  • Codes of conduct, 370371

  • Collectivism, 93

  • Command groups, 345

  • Commercial entrepreneurship, 475477

  • Commitment principle, 154

  • Committees, 345

    • decision-making, 346

    • groupthink, 347

    • manager use of, 346347

    • membership, 347

    • people-oriented guidelines, 347

    • procedural steps, 346

    • representation, 346

    • size of, 347

  • Communication

  • Communication microbarriers

    • decoder/destination, 274

    • foreign languages, 272273

    • information complexity, 272

    • information needs, 272

    • message interference, 273

    • multimeaning words, 274

    • new concepts, 273

    • perception, 274

    • source/encoder, 273

  • Community area (social audit), 33

  • Competing Values Framework, 371

  • Competitive dynamics, 167168

  • Competitor awareness, 168

  • Competitor capability, 168

  • Competitor motivation, 168

  • Comprehensive analysis of management, 446, 450451

  • Compromising, 253

  • Computer graphics, 437

  • Computer-aided design (CAD), 437

  • Computer-aided engineering (CAE), 437

  • Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 437

  • Conceptual skills, 10

  • Conflict management

  • Consensus, 135

  • Consideration behavior, 293

  • Consumer Products Safety Act, 157

  • Content theory of motivation, 320

    • Alderfer’s ERG theory, 323324

    • Argyris’s maturity-immaturity continuum, 323, 325326

    • human needs, 323

    • Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, 323324

    • McClelland’s acquired needs theory, 323, 326

  • Contingency approach to management, 455

  • Contingency theory of leadership

  • Continuous process, 425

  • Control tools, 432

    • break-even analysis, 434436

    • computer-aided design (CAD), 437

    • computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 437

    • decision tree analysis, 436

    • inspection, 433

    • management by exception, 433

    • management by objectives (MBO), 434

    • process control, 436

    • values analysis, 436437

  • Controlling function, 56, 6f

  • Coordination, 181

    • defined, 180

    • Follett’s guidelines on, 180

  • Corporate citizens, 2526

  • Corporate culture. See Organizational culture

  • Corporate entrepreneurship, 474

    • domain definition, 475

    • organizational rejuvenation, 475

    • strategic renewal, 475

    • sustained regeneration, 475

  • Corporate social responsibility, 2526

    • arguments for/against, 27

    • challenge case, 25, 43

    • corporate philosophy, 29

    • decision-making, 32

    • decision-making flowchart, 31f

    • environmental standards, 28

    • federal agencies, 28t

    • involvement level, 2829

    • legal requirements, 28

    • meeting obligations, 31

    • organizational objectives, 113

    • philanthropy, 3334

    • social audits, 32

    • stakeholders, 34

    • standards, 395

    • voluntary activities, 28

  • Corrective action

    • recognizing problems, 395

    • recognizing symptoms, 396

  • Cost control, 429

  • Cost leadership, 164

  • Creative people, 490, 490f

  • Creative thinking, 487

  • Creativity

  • Critical question analysis, 160161

  • Cross-cultural training, 10

  • Cross-functional teams, 354

  • Crowdfunding, 459, 474

  • Cultural artifacts, 378

  • Culture, 92

    • collectivism, 93

    • individualism, 93

    • leadership, 294

    • masculinity-femininity values, 93

    • power distance, 93

    • short term/long term orientation, 93

    • uncertainty avoidance, 93

  • Culture-specific approach to pluralism, 6566

  • Customer dimension of organization culture, 377378

  • Customer service, 368, 383

    • continual quality improvement, 418419

    • organizational objectives, 113

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