Simulation in Gazebo

Using the same code as in demo mode, we can actually move the real controllers, either in simulation (Gazebo) or using the real hardware. The interface is the same, so using a real arm or Gazebo is exactly the same. In these cases, the joints will actually move and the grasping will actually make the gripper come in contact with the grasping object (the can of Coke). This requires a proper definition of the objects and the gripper in Gazebo to work properly.

The commands to run the pick and place in this case (as shown previously) are:

    $ roslaunch rosbook_arm_gazebo rosbook_arm_grasping_world.launch
    $ roslaunch rosbook_arm_moveit_config moveit_rviz.launch config:=true
    $ roslaunch rosbook_arm_pick_and_place grasp_generator_server.launch
    $ rosrun rosbook_arm_pick_and_place  

It is only the first part, to launch files, that changes with respect to the demo mode; it replaces demo.launch in the demo mode. In this case, we spawn the robotic manipulator in Gazebo with the environment containing the table and the can of Coke as well as the RGB-D camera. Then, the moveit_rviz.launch file opens RViz with the MoveIt! plugin providing the same interface as with demo.launch. However, in this case, when the program is run, the arm in Gazebo is moved.

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