Moving the mobile robot in Gazebo

The robot we are working with is a differential robot with two wheels, and two caster wheels. The complete characteristics of the robot should model as the Gazebo-ROS plugin for the simulation. Luckily, the plugin for a basic differential drive is already implemented.

In order to move the robot in Gazebo, we should add a Gazebo ROS plugin file called to get the differential drive behavior in this robot.

Here is the complete code snippet of the definition of this plugin and its parameters:

  <!-- Differential drive controller  --> 
    <plugin name="differential_drive_controller" filename=""> 

We can provide the parameters such as wheel joints of the robot (joints should be of a continuous type), wheel separation, wheel diameters, odometry topic, and so on in this plugin.

An important parameter that we need to move the robot is


This parameter is the command velocity topic to the plugin, which is basically a Twist message in ROS (sensor_msgs/Twist). We can publish the Twist message into the /cmd_vel topic and we can see the robot start moving from its position.

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